
My first (ambitious) grow

5 years ago
Room Type
weeks 4
weeks 4
weeks 4
19 l
Pot Size
Grow Conditions
Week 4
18 hrs
Light Schedule
12+ conditions after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
Piablo Piablo
5 years ago
Day 21: First topping. Happy to removed the light-stressed part of the plant from the equation if only for cosmetic reasons. I waited for 5 nodes before the topping. Day 22: Godammit, the light failed again. Turned it off and waited for it to cool down. Turned it back on and it worked. Lost 1 hour of light. Day 23: Because of previous light stress and canopy temperature, I felt that 35cm is a good distance for the light. Day 25: First LST on the new growth tips. Started the mainline. Day 26: Again the light is failing to come on. I rewired once again, cursing my very existence, and it worked again. Again lost an hour of light in the morning. Continued refining the LST, and seeing how far I can push it. Noticed a slight tear at the base of one of the mains. Since the plant energy is coming from below and there is no noticeable affect on growth I'm going to ignore it. Checked the roots - look healthy. Though the new growth tips are not completely symmetrical, those leaves look good enough to eat. Trimmed the excess fan leaves. Topped up with a small amount of nutrients. Day 27: light didn't come on again. I rewired again, but this time it was stone cold refusing to do anything. Again I cursed my existence and all of life. Returned to grow store, turns out bulb was defective after all. Again lost 4 hours of light. But at least now I know the problem is solved. Rene at the grow store is a champ though, very helpful guy. The new bulb is noticeably brighter also. Maybe this was affecting growth? Also once this issue was fixed, I noticed some small amount of nutrient burn on the leaves tips. Rebalanced nutrients. Was 1.9 mS/m lowered to 1.65 mS/m, then to 1.48 mS/m. Must be more careful in future when upping the dosage but the water conductivity is now less than before (1.55 mS/m) so this should be ok. Also lowered pH of water slightly since it was 6.0. It's currently showing 5.2 but experience has taught me that this measurement will comfortably go back up to 5.7. water pH is seemingly constantly rising as the plant grows, and adjusting pH is really more art than science. (Edit: It was 5.7 the next morning, so ya ... )
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MaryJaneUSAweek 1
Good luck mate. Looks like you have the equipments necessary for your grow. 1 plant in DWC under 250W HID will be more than enough in this grow room. I know you may not be done with your grow but I'd like to remind you that AC plugs near hydroponics is not recommended :)
@Piablo, no nothing wrong with the plants it’s just a big electrical hazard. You can get an extender for cheap.
@MaryJaneUSA, thank you. Unfortunately the cable is pretty short from the ceiling fan, that's why it's in there. So I'm going to look at moving that out before I plant. Is it actually bad for the plant or is it just because it's an electrical hazard?
chrisriversweek 2
Really fun that your grow room stand right at the room, not in the corner, but more in the middle. Where I live, there I growing 🤪 And also this mystical voice 👻
@Chrisrivers, haha thanks. that's just for comic effect. Grow room is more in the middle by necessity.
JP148week 4
Hope your lighting gremlins disappear.
@@JP148, thanks, all sorted now. Had some other issues recently, but not lighting. Will update again soon. Thanks.
Pseudoweek 1
Good luck bro 🤞 I send you lots of good vibes! 🙏
@@@Pseudo, thanks! - nice to know that someone out there is rooting for me :) p.s. video has been added
JP148week 4
Glad it’s all coming together. Looks good, don’t think your hassles caused any real damage. She’s going to take off now. What doesn't kill them makes them stronger. I truly believe that.
JP148week 4
Yeah when you first setup there are always some bugs to work out. Getting consistent temp. was a nightmare for me. Then I realized that fluctuations in humidity and temperature though not optimal was acceptable to a point. Trying to be on point at all times made growing more frustrating then enjoyable.
JP148week 4
Looking good , just topped and was going to start LST but decided to wait till healed some. Was afraid of stem splitting at top site. Might be what happened to yours. Glad it’s only slight.