
Northern Lights - Indoor Micro Grow

Approved by Sensi Seeds
7 years ago
Room Type
weeks Technique
Grow medium
1 L
Pot Size
Northern Lights Automatic
Sensi Seeds
Growing it
This strain was quite easy to grow, their was little care given, other than the usual watering and feeding, and keeping PH levels within the correct range, and I just let it do its thing. I harvested this plant at Day 68, however have yet to test, as it's currently hanging to dry in a tent. I will provide a fuller report once it's been dried and cured. I did not check the wet weight, but will provide dry weight once ready.
The Outcome
Week 10
Reviews. Nutrient
Reviews. Lamp
Commented by
GrimReefer69 GrimReefer69
7 years ago
The breeder suggests a 50-60 day finish from seed. This was my same experience, I planted 3 seeds, and the first one I harvested was very short and stocky looking plant, with big buds, and that plant was ready quite quick. The other two however, they looked like elegant tall sativa like ladies, and took longer to grow. I harvested one of them at Day 68, and will allow the other a bit longer, will provide pictures of the last NL shortly.
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DeepRoot3dcommentedweek 37 years ago
Plants are looking nice and healthy ๐Ÿ‘
GrimReefer69commented7 years ago
@DeepRoot3d, thank you :)... yeah this was a few days ago, more recently they're growing taller.. and I will update with some pics today
Zannabis7commentedweek 107 years ago
This looks like it was a KILLER grow. I see some experience shining through here. Nice job! I am attempting my first "topless" SCROG (trying to bend instead) with 6 different strains right now, of which one is Northern Lights. It would be cool if you would follow the grow - Zannabis7
GrimReefer69commentedweek 27 years ago
Update: 29 Oct 17. All 3 NL plants topped today. They was showing 3-4 nodes, and healthy growth, so I have topped and we shall see what develops from here.. I will update with a pic later ๐Ÿ˜‰
GrimReefer69commentedweek 27 years ago
Update: 28 Oct 17. My 3 x NL autos are 12 days into the grow cycle, and appear to be healthy and happy :) Feeding only plain tap water (stored in bottle first for 24 hours) and BioBizz Alg-a-Mic. Current lighting is a Mars LED 48 Reflector Panel. ๐Ÿ˜Œ
GrimReefer69commentedweek 27 years ago
My 3 seedlings are doing great at 10 days old. Some noticeable growth in the last two days, between day 8 and 10. During the past hour, I've moved them back under a 240w LED Mars 48 Reflector sharing with my Black Domina plants, as the 6 BD clones have now taken this space. Once flowering begins, around week 3-4, they will either be remain in a SOG style grow, alongside my Black Domina clones, or in a grow space of their own, under their own LED light. Either a 240w or 300w Full Spectrum LED. If I do decide for the sheer sake of convenience to place them with the Black Domina clones, which also share the same sized square pots, I would have to put them in a 12/12 Cycle with the Black Domina clones. This will of course reduce yield, hence my reluctance, but I will decide which route to take once the newly taken black domina clones have sprung to life.