
Northern Lights Auto

7 years ago
Room Type
weeks Technique
Grow medium
Auto Northern Lights
Pyramid Seeds
Growing it
Im a bit disapponted about the time it took. But its because of my setup. The strain is really nice, althought I messed it up she gave almost her full potency.
The Outcome
Week 14
What's on the scales?
Bud dry weight
Number of plants harvested
Grow Room
Grow Room size
g / mĀ²
g / plant
plant / mĀ²
Tastes like
Feels like
0% Sativa 100% Indica

Positive effects


Negative effects

Dry eyes
Reviews. Nutrient
well cant say much cuz I messed up the dosage. But ok I guess
Reviews. Lamp
Commented by
HerbalAbuser HerbalAbuser
7 years ago
Since my last update on day 90, here we are on day 106. During this time I chopped a cola each day dried them 3 days then smoked all of it :D I saved the biggest 2 to last, gave them more time in the tent and dried them 5 days slowly, cured a week and now today Im smoking it. In the pictures you are only seeing the last buds I kept. Others are not photographed. It wont last couple days thošŸ˜¬ Not because small yield, because I smoke a lot lol. Yield was fine. Regardless the low light wattage she gave nice harvest, about 37 grams. Cant say exact because I didnt weight them all. Some of the colas I chopped weeks earlier for example. Im only adding their weight by guess. So overall im very happy with the outcome.
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So ... after looking your diary, you shouldnā€™t blindly follow breeders flowering periods. What happened is you flushed your plant too early... ā˜ļøit isnā€™t nutrients burns on the pictures, she is just fading (too early), thereā€™s no more nutrients in the soil and she is using all the stock left in the leaves and then in the roots . You can plug off all the weird leaves out of nootz, and keep on pushing her as far as possible (maybe another 2 weeks).
@NoobiewithDoobie, I would say around 25% less.
@JUNGLE_B4RNS, Do you think she has lost significant potency?
@NoobiewithDoobie, donā€™t be worry, she has plenty of stock in the roots, she was lush green and fully loaded during last weeks. All the tricā€™s looks milky, amber tricā€™s shall start to show in the following weeks.
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DabCrabweek 8
Coming along fantastically buddy. Some real great training you've done here. I can't wait to see her finish up her flowering in a couple weeks! Best wishes growing buddy :D
@NoobiewithDoobie, Theres not too many things that are better than seeing the benefits of your hard work. Great work buddy :D
@DabCrab, Thanks mate! I wasnt sure about the outcome when I was training her but yeah its wonderful, covers the area nicely. Im also proud :D
HerbalAbuserweek 1
She is with a photoperiod strain in the grow room which is at the end of flowering stage. That is why the lights are 12/12. Althought, it is hard to get two different humidity levels in the same time. So I just put a hood on her and spraying it regulary, while her bigger sister is in the tent with %50 humidity. Started with 2 CFLs and now under 300W LEDs. Gonna keep the CFLs aswell for more light wattage Except the bagseed I planted 3 months ago (now almost ready to harvest), this is my first real grow (with proper equipment and knowledge). So I am really excited. I still lack some eqiupment like pH meter, ppm meter and stuff like that. So cant give any info on them. I use Biobizz Lightmix soil and planning to use biobizz feeding products through this grow. Aiming for a micro grow here, gonna keep the pot small.
@NoobiewithDoobie, Awesome, your plant is looking great, best of luck šŸ˜Ž
Peebosweek 3
looks good to me. did you put the lights off before the photo? Read somewehere they don't like photo's with lights on. I also read lots of info about potsize, but only problem with bigger pots seem to be "to much plant, height" or "waste of soil". Both not real concern to me, yet. ;) Keep on growing!
@Peebos, Oh lol yeah sorry I got you wrong ;D people prefer lights off, using flash camera or what they suggest? I ordered from seedsman, they shipped it within 2 days and I got my order 6 days after its shipped, so 8 days including weekend.
@NoobiewithDoobie, LOL, bit misunderstanding about the pictures. I thought the people visiting this site, don't prefere pictures with lights on. Not sure about the plants thoughts about this. ;) I'm still waiting for my seeds from RQS, 6 day's after ordening they are not even shipped. Just read it can take up to 15 days, sigh. How fast did you get your's from RQS?
@Peebos, never heard of taking a photo with lights on stresses them. Maybe the flash? But I dont use flash. Daylight from near CFLs makes my photos clear enough I guess. Under LEDs only they seem much dark green. Yes, waste of soil is the only downside I guess. I think I will get 6-7L pot and try to repot her without disturbing her root system. This maybe add 2-3 days stress but then she will get through it. My 4L seemed way too little as she grows :)
Youā€™re mistaking CBD and CBN bro ... CBN comes from THC degradation . When your trichomes turns amber it means THC has change into CBN , this is the molecule who gives you that lazy and heavy stoned effects... otherwise you get what you have experimented, a fast hit with no punch , you just get a clear high. It takes times to let the THC turn amber , depending on the plant conditions and environment.
@HerbalAbuser,nothing special to do , you just need to wait , it can take a few more days to a few more weeks .
@JUNGLE_B4RNS, Yes right CBN. Sorry I just read a lot of articles and stuff lately and it may be confusing :) So, I should continue regular watering without feeding and wait then? All my concern comes from that early flush. Do I have to do anything special? Thanks for help mate :)
MrGreenFingersweek 9
Good looking flowers man, I'm not experienced as I'm doing my first grow also but all the research I have done it's looks to me to be to early for harvesting as the hairs still look mainly white with a few orange/brown in the pictures so I would say you have roughly 2 weeks, are all the trichomes still clear??
@NoobiewithDoobie, I think the breeders always say the minimum time they will take and have heard you should always expect to add 2-3 weeks on to that, if I was you I would stay patient and let the hairs/trichomes tell you and I think you will then maximise your yield/quality, I know it's hard to stay patient as I am about 2-3 weeks away as well but am tempted to chop early but stay strong as I am sure patience will be rewarded!
@MrGreenFingers, there are very few turned fully brown/yellowish but id say %90 of them are still clear:( (you can zoom in the macro images and see a couple) this supposed to be 8 weeks from seed to harvest strain, you are saying she will be ready to harvest on week 11 :D thats pretty behind the schedule. I wanted her to be ready at least for new years :(
Toninoweek 10
you coming close to the finish line
@Tonino, Almost there *fingerscrossed*
Herneweek 6
nice shape
@Herne, Thank you very much. I am also very happy with the outcome
Toninoweek 11
Beautiful frosting on this one
Toninoweek 9
your buds are looking beautiful
Toninoweek 8
These are some beautiful looking flowers
Toninoweek 7
Very nice work good training
Peebosweek 2
hello doobie, nice setup, will follow you. Just ordered my NL auto seeds from royal queen seeds and probably will start next tuesday with germinating. how much watts do your lights draw from the socket? I also have "300 watt led" but only uses 125 real watts, hence the question. Good Luck!
@NoobiewithDoobie, yes, good to compare! "They" say for every gallon, you grow one feet. So how much can you grow on a one feet tall plant? Ain't there some saturation point for light? Watching you progress already feels like a race, can't wait to start. Good Luck!
@Peebos, I am not an expert myself but I did lots of research. Ofcourse pot size is important. But somewhere I read for auto flowering strains which are ready to harvest from seed in 8 weeks, they suggest smaller pots. I think your 18L is a bit overkill. "the perfect pot size for auto flower plants should be 1,5 to 2,5 gallons (5,6 to 9,4 liters)" I kept my pot at minimum because I may keep it as a stealth grow. This is my first proper grow but not the last. I will do massive grows in the future. But for this time I will keep things small, while trying to get the biggest buds possible. If I let the plant grow bigger, I will eventually have more buds, of course. But I can still get big buds in a small plant if I add more lights. I think we will see it in the following weeks, keep yours in 18L if you want. And then we compare our harvests. Best way to learn is through experience. Every forum or video etc. tells a different story. Although I believe this guy has good points: Search for growboss on youtube. Very educative videos.
@NoobiewithDoobie, I bought 2, 18 l pots and think for growing the 300W led should be enough for 2 plants. In flowering perhaps add some 12W cfl lights in the corners. Are you sure more light will produce more yield with the 4l pots you are using? Seems to me like the pot is the restraining factor. Would you not get more with just a bigger pot?
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chilloutweek 1
nice looking bro! I got a question man!, this dome, for how long do you use it?! Please explain to me about it. thank you.
@chillout, 'if' you have low humidity like below %60. above that you dont need to spray the seedling.
@HerbalAbuser, thank you for the reply man. normally i have to pray for the first 2-3 weeks right?
@chillout, only first week but I wouldnt use it if the humidity was high in the room. But it was low. I was spraying the seedling 3-4 times a day and put a dome on it in the first week. Then keep spraying couple times a day without using dome on week 2 and week 3 I guess she can handle low humidity.