Hi! Week 5 for this Cream cookies auto, this week I did a little defo she was very bushy and we could have problems with the transpiration between the leafs, I will remove 1 or 2 leafs more in the followind days, cause this little estress this week she has not get her fanta brew yet, I will increase a few the amount of fanta brew in the following weeks I think i will treat it more like a compost tea, fanta have 8 per cent of orange juice, #organics.
@ChefDan420, Hi @chefdan420 ! Im sorry for the late answer man! im just smoking a joint of she very very tasty! this wekeend i will organice the photos and I´ll upload it! Thanks for ask buddy!😁😁
@HighRoller909, Hi highroller! At friend told me in a cannabis forum chat, then it become in a bet that turned on curiosity! I love try new things so...why not!? Im really surprise with this cause the plant looks...FANTAstic!!
@Niki063, that sounds promising ! No hurry , tought there went something wrong but good to hear your already smoking it.
Really a fun grow to watch !Thanks !
@GreenBeanGrowMachine, Hi friend! Yes! im just smoking it ! Let me organize the photos and I will upload them this weekend!
I have to say... I dont know if i ´m just being suggested by the fanta but this Cream cookies is the more productive, tasty, and fruity earth flavored than the other c.cookies in the same grow!
Thanks a lot for ask !!
Heyyy @niki063
Thanks so much for running this diary, hoping the grow was good for you
It was super nice to see your photos :)
Have a nice weekend growmie!