basic SetUp:
60x60x160cm grow tent
250w HPS for veg (i want to use 400w HPS for flower but i dont know if the T° is gonna be ok, cuz my tent is small, any suggest?)
5gal AirPot
Plagron Light Mix
Homemade CO2 generator
so first week of life and this girl is looking nice :). Just water for now, will start feeding her on day 10, and because im still a newbie i want to ask u guys.. how much water should i use for her first feed thx.
I want to top and mainline her, we will see.
I have seen Green75 work. I haven’t seen any of his #’s on yield but his pictures look massive! Will be following along to see what you end with. Looks great!!
PS what do you use to tie them down?
@WeirdBeard, thanks bro, im just experimenting to learn something new. u can follow Green75_ on instagram and see his results with the technique. regards and thanks for comment :)
@CerebroVerde, ah, I wouldn’t advise doing it with autos. Unless you could care less about quantity and quality. Just my Opiniont though. Good luck bro!!!!
@diamondtrichomes, i think that the biggest mistake was that i use 250w HPS instead of 400w HPS in veg stage, this because i want to save some money (so next time 400w all the way). LIght cycle it could also be a factor because this girl start to bloom too fast so she didnt stretch like a want. and finally i wound her while i was tie them down so one side is shorter than the other, in this case i should use something like clonex or similar.
PS. maybe the nutes was a factor also
Nice start buddy she's looking nice.
Maybe you should try to increase your humidity level, 40% seems a bit low to me at this point.
I've the same airport and I use light mix plagron too, I give them 250ml every 48h for now with 80% humidity
@CerebroVerde, the towel thing sucks never fund it very useful.
Buy a plastic bottle ( at least 3l) cut the top, do some tiny hole then hand spray water inside and put it on the ladies, you'll have 70-80 RH the whole time if you spray twice a day it will be good
@Likid_sunshine, ty for your advice bro. im trying to raise RH with wet towels but i think is low because the tent is small never have problems with low RH before.
I see that your girl grew short too😕 I had the same factors going against my girls. I kept the light on 20/4, and the light was on 'veg' switch for the first 4 weeks. At 184 watts to later be exposed to 345 watts throughout the remainder of the growth for sure caused some issues. In your opinion, why do you think 24/0 is better?
@EdsterGrows, this are just my thoughts but i think with this technique u need to give them all veg u can, so with 24/0 light cycle u promotes veg for longer time since they are autoflowers