This literally doubled in size this week going from about 30-60cm in about 5-6days. Hoping it will start flowering soon. Lost about 10 days at the start of grow where it didn't grow at all.
@ukquarantinegrow, this was my first grow so there may be better people out there to ask but I flushed my Coco with plain water before planting the seed. Then I don't water for the 1st week after it sprouts, maybe just the occasional spray. Then when I get to day 7-8 I introduce Canna A+B, Rhiztonic and Cannazym everyday I feed. There are rough guides knocking about for growing in Coco if you search. Hope this helps! Stay safe, stay high!
@Cannabar, ill be starting to grow the same seed in a few days when it arrives with the same canna nutes as you and id be happy if it turned out half as good as yours. Do you have any advice for using the nutes on this, for example starting Rhizotonic on earlier weeks? Also guessing you didn’t give it any nutes for the first week from seed?