Day 16 started feeding more nutrients yesterday them seem to be enjoying it.. Also raised the lights to try get a bit of stretch so I can start LST
Day 19 a few of the girls are developing a deficiency could anyone help thanks see pic labeled problem plant
hey there, you're in coco so you need to add NPK + micro + a chelation agent, you're adding NPK and two micros but no chelation agent so at your pH the micro's not breaking down and you're seeing magnesium deficiency. You need to add a chelation agent for example beneficial bacteria, enzymes, humic acid, or h202 like cannaflush. Hope this helps ! 🚀
@Ziongrows, try inserting a cheap space heater in there - it will work wonders and based on the light schedule if you don't reduce it it will only get worse... If you really can't add a heater in there (safely! Don't burn your shit down growmie !) Then you can try making a spray with the calmag : just add as much of it as required but spray it.on instead - might cause lock out though! Uptake by the leafs is 85% efficient uptake , by the roots is 15% ...