Dec, 2, 2019
Week 4 has come to an end, week was Nov. 25 - Dec. 2, 2019
Watering stayed unchanged... 6-7 cups every other day.
Top dressed all plants with Alaskan Humus on Friday Nov. 29 and had a major scare. After top dressing with approx. 2 cups Humus per plant I watered with my usual amount. Well the humus turned to mud and would not let the water soak in. I literally had puddles on the top of the soil in all my pots. Rookie mistake... Newbs please do not do what I did... totally made a mess of my top soil. I PANICKED!!! Walked away for about 1 hour and later checked in on the girls. The soil had dried enough so I could use my fingers to till up the top inch or so of the soil in all pots and work in the Humus. Next watering and everything had recovered and looking great
Nov. 25- Dec.2
LST'd all 3 plants near the end of week 3. Continued into week 4 making the normal LST adjustments to maximize new site growth. A couple of important notes to track with my LST adventure is....
Californain Snow #1 and #2 were of the method I learned by a member at GrassCity forums named Organic since... his method is less stressful I think. The leaves are staked down in their natural positions in a way that maximizes light to new growth sites without bending the main stem to the edge of the pot. Think of trying to make your pot plant look like a Christmas tree... tis the season.
Califorian Snow #3 was LST'd with the method of bending the stem to the side of the pot.
All plant look healthy and I can not tell at this time which LST method is making a difference.
I'm currently keeping another diary here... link below.. with Californian Snow and another auto by FastBuds 420.
I've decided to keep separate dairies of each strain so I can focus and share the details of each strain independently.
I'll still update the original grow diary with both stains along with updating two strain specific diaries.