Hasta hoy 8 de diciembre, sólo mantuve el sustrato de coco humedecido con el pulverizador.
Hoy tocó su primer riego "real" de 250ml con 0.5gr/L de Powder Feeding Short Flowering.
Se nota un crecimiento optimo. Haciendo uso del ambiente en exterior y una lámpara de 100w led por la noche dentro.
11 dic.
Estos últimos dias noté una clara falta de nitrógeno y subi la dosis de abono al 100% de la dosis recomendada ( 1gr /l) de Powder Feeding Short Flowering.
Espero que se recupere.
interesting strain, i've always been curious how this strain would grow, look forward to staying updated.
Im in week 2 right now and excited to see how it goes
It really grows per day. He took me off guard with a lack of nutrients and I hope it has no impact on production or quality. Good luck with your baby and thanks for comment.
I grew one recently and netted 124g. It was grown indoor and reached 36 inches. I tried one outdoor last summer and it didn't do well in the summer heat, it was a stick. peace
I don't expect much from autoflowering genetics, although I like to try certain varieties of the market and grow them on my own to try them. So far it is the latest autoflowering I've had.