These lovely little ladies came lunging to life after 4 days of germination. They germinated in pre moistened root plugs pumping with that bio root. We put those plugs into a illuminated humidity dome at 85%rh. We misted the walls of the humidity dome twice daily with our bio root solution.
Once these ladies sprouted they went straight into there final pot. 3 gallons of pro mix hp pre moistened with the same bio root solution 💪💪💪
These girls will spread those little legs for about 4 days. Doing there initial rooting phase. Afterwards we will see more above rapid above ground action.
These are tester sent to me by fastbuds to run a see what they got. So the info supplied is as follows. These bitches are a "hybrid" and that's a rap.
So we will be documenting our experiences with this variety an unlocking her potentials. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam.!