The one girl is filling in nicely. Well the only one that stretched. The others are thick and stubby. They are so stinky.
Father-in-law asked if I had a skunk around the other day. Had a little chuckle to myself😏😜
Guess I should get a carbon filter, but they are just about done. If it was illegal then I might do things differently. But I have my medical and grow license. He’s just still got the old mentality😔
Man your PPM were high! How much water do you give them per watering and how often? Do you feed every time you water? I used to feed every time I watered, but I'm finding that is too much. Now I feed+feed+Recharge. Recharge is for my roots and their little buddies. Photos are so much easier, aren't they!
Be careful on your nutes when you resume feeding. The last time I grew Dark Devil it was the purple pheno and it finished fast. She was done around 9 weeks.
@Quexos, thanks for the knowledge😎 I will water the girls with more at a time. That could also be part of why they looked better after being flushed. All the soil was wet🤨
@@79bronco, It sounds like you really took your time and made sure everything was being done correctly. I think you've kinda figured out what might've happened. You are watering small amounts frequently. I've been finding, the more I saturate the medium, the healthier and happier my plants are. In a 3g container I would be watering 2 liters per watering. I'd do more, but it seems that 2l is the close to saturation point in my grows. In 5g containers I try to get to 1 gallon per watering as quickly as the plant allows. I don't worry about frequency. The plant will tell me when it needs more water.
@Quexos, I was trying to keep my ppm down around the 500. I was watering every 2-3 days and about 1L per plant with 1/2 the recommended dose of nutrients. I was also ph ing the solution to 6.3. So when I flushed them and everything was out of whack, I was shocked.
I had not been watering to the point of run off, because they are so small and I thought they wouldn’t be able to absorb that much water in these pots.
Goes to show, you can do everything right putting water in, but if its not coming out the same it can play havoc with the poor lady’s.
I think I will feed every other or third weathering and see how that goes.
@Autounderground0513, thanks for stoping by. It’s weird, all six are the same genetics, but each one seems to have a mind of its own. They just naturally turned purple, well most.
Crazy! They are like bonsai versions of Dark Devil. The buds look fat and juicy. I wouldn't worry about deficiencies at this point. Those plants are pretty close to harvesting. I'm not able to see the trichomes with a magnifying glass. I have to use a jeweler's loupe. Old eyes need a lot more magnification.
The important thing is that you learn from your mistakes.
Good job on finding and learning from the problem! 😊
You were born to be a good grower. 😜
Sweet smokes!
@@79bronco, I don't know what causes that. I see pictures all the time of tiny plants. You could grow 2 plants side-by-side and one of them could become gigantic and the other tiny. It might be Ruderalis genetics being the dominate trait. Just guessing. Maybe the bud will be like baby rattlesnake venom, more potent and concentrated!😁
@Quexos, thanks.
Yours are so much bigger. It’s like mine forgot to grow and just went to flower. Going to be interesting to see what they actually finish like😎
Which Fox Farm soil are you using? Some of them are pretty hot for autos. When I used Fox Farm I mixed Ocean Forest with Happy Frog so it wouldn't burn my plants. I actually switched to HP because I was concerned that my soil was too nutrient rich for my autos.
@Quexos, I just about did mix them 50/50 but thought I would get a better feel for how the plants reacted to each type of soil. I think I might give the 50/50 a try next time.
Not sure how old the soil was. Thanks for the info
@@79bronco, You could do a 50/50 mix of Ocean Forest and Promix. Then you would have enough nutrients to get you through veg. for the most part. You could still feed, but it wouldn't be as vital.
Maybe use Rehcarge or some other microbial additive.
Just add water throughout veg and you should be fine. I was talking to a guy at our local shop and he said the soil is only too hot when its freshly packaged. If you bought a bag that was 6 months old, the nutrients are greatly diminished.
@Quexos, good to know. I’m using the ocean mix. Only one is in the fox farm, others are in the pro mix. I was going to run them all in fox farm but the store was out so I got the pro mix. Kinda glad they where out or I might be on the road to disaster 😏. guess this is what happens when learning new things. cant be perfict all the time😜
@@Alexa, thanks. I was thinking the same. I’m going to give plain water for the next couple times and keep an eye on them. I’ve read that they can be sensitive to to much nutrients