First day in the pot. Let's see how this goes.
*Day 3 Update(12/24)*
Auto Berry is slowly growing. Have not watered in a day, soil is still moist.
Auto WW the taproot grew upside down. I have re-positioned the seed with the taproot down in the pot. Watered as well, hoping it will sprout in a few days.
*Day 4 Update(12/25)*
Merry Christmas!
Seed is almost off the Auto Berry.
No change with the WW
Watered both, will check again this afternoon.
*Day 5 Update(12/26)*
Purchased Cal-Mag for the plants today.
Auto Berry - Looks good, pot was dry. Gave the plant 1/2 gal of water.
Auto WW- Its a Christmas miracle, the plant sprouted a tiny green leaf. Fingers crossed everything goes well from here. Gave the plant 1/2 gal of water.
Cal-Mag to water mix - 1/2 tsp of cal-mag to 1 gal of water.
*Day 6 Update(12/27)*
Auto Berry - Getting bigger and bigger everyday. Soil was moist, will water tomorrow.
Auto WW - Seed popped off, still moving along slowly. Was a tad dry, give enough water to moisten the immediate area.
Auto Bubble Gum - Finally got it planted, will update tomorrow.
Purchased a spray bottle to mist the flowers with when needed.
*Day 7 Update(12/28)*
Purchased Great White Mycorrhizal
Auto Berry - Continues to grow by the day. Watered 1/2 gal with calmag and mycorrhizal
Auto WW - Moving along slowly. Watered 1/2 gal with calmag and mycorrhizal
Auto Bubblegum - Getting acclimated to its new home. Seems to be doing fine. Watered 1/2 gal with calmag and mycorrhizal
Calmag to water mix - 1/2 tsp per gallon of water
Mycorrhizal to water mix - 1/2 tsp per gallon of water