
TaNgs Auto GlueBerry OG.

Approved by Dutch Passion
8 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 10
20 hrs
Light Schedule
6+ conditions after
Commented by
TaNg TaNg
8 years ago
Day 65. Just drinking water now and they're on a ten day countdown to harvest, I could let them go a week or so longer but I want them down at the first chance so I can start my rather exciting next grow.
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Lucifercommentedweek 108 years ago
What you think she's gonna yield? She's looking hefty and delicious.😍 I'm planning on giving glue berry a run next.
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TaNgcommentedweek 18 years ago
Not to long to wait guys, I think it will be a popular strain....they have also made a photoperiod version πŸ‘Œ
Hernecommentedweek 18 years ago
out 1 January 2017
S_Dromcommentedweek 18 years ago
Auto glueberry og 😲 think i need some of that in my life will be keeping an eye on these am intrigued
Blablablacommentedweek 117 years ago
Can't wait to try it.
Jeffreycommentedweek 117 years ago
Hello There i Grow the same strain now and i am on the same nutrients except carbload How long and how did you dry this strain could you please tell me this so i van do the same
Rolancommentedweek 118 years ago
awesome dude
Lucky777commentedweek 118 years ago
Another awesome Grow TaNg, its 777 by the way my original name was taken lol. I'll be posting here soon m8, look for them if you can πŸ‘πŸΎ
MrRegularcommentedweek 118 years ago
Cooool!!!!! Its wonderful "making"! Nice to looking at your plants! Thanx)))
Tenacious_Trichomescommentedweek 118 years ago
Very nice man!!! As always...πŸ‘ŒπŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ just added another strain to my list!!
Tenacious_Trichomescommentedweek 28 years ago
Finally jumped on board to the site...subbed up bro!!
S_Dromcommentedweek 18 years ago
Are these avalible yet or have you had them early ?
Doudoucommentedweek 118 years ago
I love all your diaries you are real inspiration for me and i think for many others out here ! I have a few questions if you dont mind ... I would like to know do you use voodoo juice on the first day of veg ? Or the 1st day under lights ? Whats your feeding schedule ? Every 3/4 days ? Im in flowering now and im thinking about switching up to 24/24 ... is it a good idea or will it just waist electricity ?? Thank you for taking your time in answering me and again your work is just tiptop real fan of your diaries πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ
TaNgcommented7 years ago
@Jeffrey, first I trim the buds then cut them into smaller buds (golf ball size) then dry them for 5 or 6 days in brown paper bags.
Jeffreycommented7 years ago
@TaNg, How did you DRY this strain and how long . could you please tell me step by step so i can get the same results I Grow the same strain now also auto glueberry o.g I am on 6 weeks and couple days Drinking 500 ML water Every day Yield is awsome Using spectrabox pro 5 (270w leds)
Doudoucommented8 years ago
@TaNg, thanks bro !
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Da88l0rdcommentedweek 88 years ago
Grrrr I was so looking forward to growing these out till Dutch passion said they won't ship to the United States 😑😑
Lucifercommented8 years ago
@Da88l0rd, damn bro the system is working against us. Hope you find a way around this
Da88l0rdcommented8 years ago
@Lucifer, thanks bro herbies ships pretty quickly too and I've got my order EVERYTIME but see I won diary of the month and the prize was $100 in Dutch passion and they won't ship and this is the strain I was gonna order....πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯
Lucifercommented8 years ago
@Da88l0rd, oh and if you do happen to go through them be vary careful when opening the package. The seeds were stuck so I tapped on the edge to have them fall out but as I did so one rolled out and got crushed by package
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Lucifercommentedweek 108 years ago
What you think she's gonna yield? She's looking hefty and delicious.😍 I'm planning on giving glue berry a run next.
Lucifercommented8 years ago
@TaNg, that's pretty damn good. I'm looking forward to see your harvest results
TaNgcommented8 years ago
@Lucifer, I would guess at around 140-160 grams dry each.
DonFazoolcommentedweek 48 years ago
Hi Tang I've been following you for quite some time, thanks a ton for everything you do for the community. I've just started my first grow and am going to follow your easy feed schedule i've found on auto . May i ask you a few questions that i can't find any answers to please? 1: Your feed schedule is 10 weeks. If a strain says it finishes in 8, how would i adjust? 2: The cal magic i picked up was the Advanced Nutrients Cal Mag Extra 4-0-0, is this ok? (i use Mars LED and was told to use more cal mag) 3: Are you not using the carboload from AN in your grows? Just curious Thank You very much
CovikLaFlairecommented8 years ago
@TaNg, do you prefer it over bud candy?
TaNgcommented8 years ago
@DonFazool, I you think u have a fast plant go in with the Overdrive earlier and stop feeding 10 days before u intend to harvest. Should be fine,if you see any deficiencies just up the dose. Yeah I use ANs Carboload bro.
Lucifercommentedweek 118 years ago
Hey I had a quick question if you have time. When do you know when it's day one of veg. On my diary my day one looks nothing like your day one lol
TaNgcommented8 years ago
@Lucifer, the day it breaks the ground bro.
Oldguycommentedweek 68 years ago
Dude, I really love your work here. I was thinking of switching to the nutrients you are using, but I cannot seem to find a good feeding schedule on their site. I was wondering how you came about yours and why use just the bloom and not the grow during veg? thx.
TaNgcommented8 years ago
@Oldguy, if you google TaNgs feeding schedule you can easily find a few I've written up.
Jeffreycommentedweek 27 years ago
@TaNg Trim them in golf balls Dry in paper bags for 5-6 days And they are ready for smoke ? Or do you cure rhem
Jeffreycommentedweek 87 years ago
@tangWhat was the feeding shedule for this complete grow Could you please send me this
Blablablacommentedweek 117 years ago
Beautiful plant!