1/1/2020 - The beginning of a new decade! Midnight the seed dropped into pH 7 tap water, to be soaked for ~12 hours. Then it will be removed and placed into a 2" GRO-DAN Rockwool cube. The cube has also been soaked for the same 12 hours in a solution of tap water at pH 5.6. After 12 hours, the cube will be drained and the 5.6 pH solution will have a measure of RapidStart added to it. This will be the wicking solution for the cube during germination. I will update the pH and EC of this solution later today.
1/1/2020 - 8 Hours soaking and she has sunk! Into the rockwool cube, and off to the heater mat and florescent (2' 4-bulb T5HO, Agroflex, 105w).
1/2/2020 - No noticeable difference in seed appearance. Temp and RH are at optimal levels. Awaiting germination. 24:30:00 since soak; 16:30:00 since placed in rockwool cube.
1/2/2020 - 24:00:00 since going into the rockwool cube and she has popped! I can see where her taproot is starting to search the cube, but I can't get my phone to take a picture of anything past the seed itself. Anyways, this is good news and we should see cotyledons soon!
1/3/2020 - T+03d:00h:30m - 72 hours since seed was dropped into shotglass of water.
1/5/2020 - T+04d:10h:20m - She's just chugging right along! :)
Thanks for stopping by the garden. Grower Love in 2020!