Started 3 of these Crown Royale fem seeds that I got from crop king. All 3 germinated and took well to planting. They were all above ground within 2 days of being planted into solo cups and off to the races.
This is my first grow. I came across my equipment more by chance and decided to use it. I wasnt planning on keeping journals or notes but the more I read the more I realized what I was getting myself into. Being meticulous and consistent are keys to success. I have friends that grow and got some basic advice before i started but I didn't take things seriously until the girls were above ground. I have kids and wouldn't dare to compare their existence, but it was a similar experience. All of a sudden I had a bunch of girls to take care of I had no idea WTF I was doing. Since that day I've spent more time reading about and drooling over rooms like the ones I see on this site than I'm willing to admit. I figured since I was getting half of my information from grow diaries I might as well start a journal as well. Feel free to comment, correct or give advice wherever you can, please.
Week 1 in the solo was spent under a fluorescent light. Week 2 they were transplanted into 4l containers and went under a 1000 watt mh bulb. After they had 5 nodes I topped the first 2 at the 3rd node. The third one I FIM'd on purpose. Having never grown before my curiosity got the better of me and I wanted to see the difference. It now has 4 stalks that all shoot out relatively close on the main trunk. It ended up slowing the vertical growth quite abit compared to her 2 sisters. Shes about 5cm shorter but she still looks pretty and is probably my most symmetrical plant. By the end of week 3 they were all nearly ready to transplant. Lots of roots showing on the bottom of all 3 girls. I was just waiting for them to dry up a little more before they moved on up.
@Dr_Frankenstank, yeah My tent is in my garage too, and it’s not heated, so the tent is good because I can control the environment. The tent exhaust heats the garage a bit too.
Thanks man. Wish I was working in a tent so I could make use of c02 as well. Wifes already cocked her eyebrow at some of the things I've been dragging into the garage that weren't part of the original plan. Not sure a tent and a c02 machine are in my near future. Lol. I like your homemade c02 rig though. I'll have to do some more research I guess. See if I can poly the shit outta my flower room. Good luck bud, I'll keep an eye on your adventure 🖖