She is getting big now;
A lot of you say she is small for 9 weeks and if you look back you see that I even repeatedly said that was on purpose as I only have a 3x3 space and I had 12 plants in my room. (Plant sitting) then my 4 flowering plants finally were finished leaving me 5 :)
She is much better this week and utilized her pot space for sure :)
@Emeraldgarden,yes, she was a stunted thrown in the back plant. I cleaned her after I chopped with a h202 rinse for the on to make it safe then crock pot for 5-12 hours :) makes a tasty and sting cannabutter
@mako420,yes she is I'm proud, she was let in a half gal her whole life until about a week ago and transplanted into a 3 gal. If you follow through in the beginning I explain why all my plants at the beginning I kept purposely small so I could run my autos in my closet and so these could be flowered in march :)
Hello. I was plant the seed two weeks before, and i dont have those leafs. What could be happen with my plant? 200w of fluorescent light and it has enough water. Thanks.