Germinated- 1/18/20 2GDP Auto and Sour 60
only 2 out of the 4 germinated and that was both the GDP
Used 50/50 ocean forest and happy frog with 20% Perlite. I was having humidity issues the first couple days during sprouting, maybe 40% the first 3 days or so. MY humidifier came in and it now floats between 55-60. Lights are HLG 3500 spec.
I didnt flush my soil prior to placing my seeds in the soil, i took a reading today and my soil is 5.6 so any tips on how to raise this will be nice.
Congrats on the new baby. Always an exciting time no matter how many grows you've done. Nice work. Keep doing what you've been doing and best of luck with the rest of the ride growmie.