
Fast Buds - Purple Lemonade

4 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 3
20 hrs
Light Schedule
13+ conditions after
Commented by
Trying4Trees Trying4Trees
4 years ago
Week 3 - Day 14 First day of week 3! The two biggest are going strong. Slight discolouration, might require another feed. Will rest run off EC today on all plants when feeding the sad looking one shortly. Will pass through 2-3L for small run off, still worried that we did not PH buffer the coco correctly hence why we are seeing a high PH run off of 6.8?? Decided not to feed as the pots are still heavy and the coco feeling moist still for over an inch deep. Week 3 - Day 15 Two are looking rather sad, one droopy one very stunted. Chose the droopy one and fed 4L to achieve decent run off to test; 5.8PH@600PPM. Results, 478-501PPM 6.6PH. Don’t understand why it is droopy, has been this way for 2 days. Help please! Have I overwatered it? Out the top two, one is more yellow than the other - can’t work out if it’s a deficiency or not. Maybe excess in phosphorus?? Due to new growth being yellow on the inner leaves and between veins, along with the thinner leaves? The second, greener but has a small twist in the growth - boron? Fed all plants with 4L 5.8@340PPM for a PPM Reading. End Readings of; 350,400,404,450,430,427. Tailored the outcome to the size of the plant, the previous fed of near 500 max was too much. This should hopefully stabilise them now🤔🤞🏻Been using tap water along with RO for micronutrients. End of day: looking much better! The droopy one has perked up😁 tiny one is showing very small signs of growth. Will just have to take extra care. Week 3 - Day 16 Mixed tap water/ RO added 0.2ml/L of Calmag. Will feed about 1L per plant to boost calmag intake and micronutrients 5.8PH@ 175PPM. Week 3 - Day 17 Feed day! Going for 1-2L per plant. 5.8PH@500PPM. Getting a nice little bit of growth showing now. Week 3 - Day 18 Fed 1-2L of 5.8@330PPM, just used tap water/ RO, to around 200PPM then added calmag 0.2ml/L, Roots excel 0.3ml/L. Week 3 - Day 19 Feed day! Will give 1-2L per plant again. 5.8@ 400-500PPM.
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Grow Questions
Trying4Treesstarted grow question 4 years ago
Would like to ask a question about run off PH; have been trying to keep it at the ideal 5.8, however the run off has spiked to read 6.5PH. Have fed 5.8PH’d RO or nuits only. Passed 20L PH nuit through a 20L pot@4.5PH to try even it now 6.2. Very confused, keep going till 5.8?
Feeding. Other
MadeInGermanyanswered grow question 4 years ago
hey bro :-) I would always see that the PH value is between 5.2 - 6.2 ;-)

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Fast_Budsweek 1
Hey there, Thanks so much for running a diary of our genetics 🙌 Let us know if you need any assistance, we’re more than happy to help. Happy Growing !!! 🌱☘️🌴🍀🌿🌳
@Trying4Trees,if you defoliate it makes the plant take longer , I do it once at about 4 weeks , to try and keep them bushy , autos aren’t like photos , they damag3 easily and less is more 👍
@Fast_Buds, Thank you for your reply! Greatly appreciated. We are willing to experiment a small portion, whilst being careful. We will try our best!! Jump in and comment anytime on our progress :D That is very helpful information as we will be using the RAW powders and can accommodate for this in our recipe as the plant grows and shows signs to us🤙🏻 Defoliation seems very critical, and also a personal preference. Opening up the developing bud sights to light is so important, and for light penetration. I tend to see little to no defoliation during flowering? At least not till near the end 13/14. Is this due to not wanting to stress the plant during the full flowering stage? Whilst allowing the lower fan leaves to show signs of deficiencies? (if any present).
@Trying4Trees, Hey!! So glad you're excited for the run! As far as pro tips go, really I like to let growers learn on their own trial and error, however, I understand a bit of advice is always useful haha.... so, firstly, I would say as far as all the training you mentioned goes, it's not recommended unless you are either 1. familiar with the growth of autos or 2. don't mind experimenting and possibly not getting the expected outcome. HST can potentially stunt the growth of autos, therefore it's only suggested to those are are extremely experienced and have nice and healthy plants at the time. If either one is your case, do what you'd like =) I will say go easy on the Nitrogen levels as a lot of purple strains tend to be more sensitive to it. Other than that, she's an easy peasy grow. If you have any specific questions, hit me up!
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BigDaddyKweek 4
Hi bro , firstly check your ph meter secondly , I think you are over watering , let them dry out 👍 I water every 5 days at this stage
@BigDaddyK, Wicked, totally understand. Need the let the roots search more. Will be transplanting them from 20L to 11L to try help them grow back out. Will be careful on the water! Thank you so much 🤙🏻
@Trying4Trees,probably 5 days is too much , the thing is the smaller they are the less they need , until they fill the pot they don’t want to be waterlogged , you need to do this from the start as you ha ve slowed it’s growth , obviously when they get bigger you need more often , I would of thought once every two days in full flower
@BigDaddyK, hi man! Thank you for taking the time to comment. Greatly appreciated💪🏻 So, PH pen was fully calibrated before the beginning. Will do so again to double check. Okay, but for coco would that not to be too long? Or because of the 20L pot the moisture stays for longer?
Mojetweek 5
Hey Bro! Good REP! Good luck ))