Help! i really should have done some training and went with my gut and had 1 plant only.. its a little crapped.. they are healthy etc.. just cramped i have already done a fair amount of trim (full bag) and still its a jungle.. the smell its so nice not overly strong unless u touch it but much banana smell and today i even got nice wiff of what my brain says is strawberry, its magical anyways and still weeks to go.. i have a little headroom left, but not much. next grow i may look at doing some training. any help/links/advice would be great.
Stuck my head in today to do some trimming as the girls have just gone crazy and i am now worried about running out of headroom.. and oh my already got the nicest smell, atm its a nice fairly strong banana smell.. unbelievable.. cant wait for them to mature going to be some nice smoke i think.