Germanoanswered grow question 5 years ago hey bro, The Damage seems to be only on couple of leaves ryt? or is it Systematically distributed ?
the first one seems like light burn
the other pictures , if it is only on couple of leaves it could be the leaves that were damaged ,and now repaired ( do nothing)
if it is Systematically distributed ( new leaves or old leaves) ,you are looking at early stage of Potassium Deficiency probably ( add more )
you must know . They are more senestive at Flowering stage ,so be careful when you add new nut. to them ,and problems in the flowering stage will effect your yield at the end
and one last note , your plants are too green ,which means you are giving them too much nitrogen ( or it couold be Genetic sometimes) ,you can compare the green color with last weeks ,if it is darker, it means too much nitrogen, if it is the same, then u dont have to change anything
i hope this helps u ,happy growing :D