Materials you need:
1.Rock wool
2.Razor blade or scalpel
3.Any root stimulant ( powder or Clonex gel)
4.pair of scissors to cut of the leaf tips
1. cut the stem of the clone at an angle
2. scratch the stem to this point where it will stick into the rock wool to support the attachment of the powder or gel
3. dip the stem into the powder or gel
4. Put the rock wool in water, squeeze it so that it's just moist not wet
5. Put the clone in
6. Cut the tips of the leaves but in your case really hust the tips because the leaves are pretty small
Last but not least put the clones under your grow light.
You should give the rock wool every day a few drops water, just to hold it moist. After you can see the first roots came out of the rock wool plant it in your grow medium.
Good luck.