Think these cuts are officially in veg now. Trimmed off the old leaves they came with and checked the roots. Still a bit more room for roots in their solos right now but ready to move up soon.
I put them back in order too so you can see BruceBanner3 in the left row, Orange Blossom Fizz winning the growth rate in the Middle, and the Krishna Kush on the right going steady.
They will all start taking off now that they've been defoliated and I can see roots are about to pop out the bottom.
They haven't had any food yet but I can see Blossom is starting to get hungry. My tap does come out at 250ppm so there some trace stuff in there. They will all start food regimens once I get them up to the next size pots. Again this is going to be a nute shootout for 3 lines, gotta decide what to buy more of soon. GH basic, GH plus additives, AN plus additives and one of each strain is feed each line.