
Fastberry auto

4 years ago
Room Type
weeks 2-7
weeks 5-7
Grow Conditions
Week 5
18 hrs
Light Schedule
13+ conditions after
Supermax b1 seawee
2 ml/l
Sugar shack
2 ml/l
Flower a
2 ml/l
2+ nutrients after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
HylianGrass HylianGrass
4 years ago
Week 5 is done and again she earn that β€œfast” berry name, she is getting bigger and bigger every day and the buds are developing nicely and already showing purple on her leaves, flowers are dark red/ pinkish with creamy/ salmon pistils. This cultivar like it low on the nutrients dosage, since i lowered the nutrients she has not give any signs of nutrients deficiency and did not had any burnt tip on the leaves so thats neat! The flowering stretch is going on and already i can tell she wont fill the box like other cultivar I’ve grown with more sativa like genetics but her structure is amazing and her buds are beautiful already and should produce optimal trichomes level and terpenoids content if put to the right climate and nutrients. Dedicating all my time and growth space to one plant makes it more easy to control the shape , climate and nutrients uptakes. Controlling the climate at the flowering stage is key to resin production and will bring out colours in certain cultivars. So far everything is good and i can kinda see what to expect from her at harvest now and its not going to be my best yielder so far but i think the bud quality and density should make up big time for it Next week we will introduce overdrive to our nutrients and cut on the b1 seaweed Extract, i will drop the humidity as low as 35% to boost resin production as a natural defence mechanism and bring out theses precious trichomes. T’il next week happy growing πŸ‘ŠπŸ»πŸ‘ŠπŸ»
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Grow Questions
HylianGrassstarted grow question 5 years ago
Hey have any of you guys used the co2 enhancer thing they sell online or at some gardening store. I know for sure it can do a difference in veg phase but growing hydroponically and growing auto already gives me fast and strong vegetative grow so should i even bother?
Feeding. Chemical composition
Darkwarsongsanswered grow question 5 years ago
Really just depends on where your growing. A smaller grow space would probably be a lot better of that canister thing. Co2 really helps if your have lots of green and not a lot of space. I'd recommend growing a few plants first then trying to increase your output with Co2. Co2 should be monitored before even being worried about it, not much sense in adding extra co2 if you already have enough co2 in your house. And the plants definitely can see a benefit from it growing in ideal conditions with a powerful light. And it's more important in later stages then it is in early veg. You wanna have more co2 going in as the plants get bigger and breathe more. You'll get better yields from proper nutrients and plant care then you will with the extra Co2. Anyway I hope this helps and happy growing.

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mrchicksweek 1
Nice setup. I just bought a couple of WaterFarms and am going to try my first hydroponic grow. I'm going to follow along and try to learn from your experience. Good luck and happy growing!
@mrchicks,my pleasure welcome to the family! From what i have seen of you diarie you have excellent knowledge of growing in soil , no shame in going back to learning, id even say it takes courage and humility to go out of your comfort zone and reach for advice, stay clear of those who says they know it all and seen it al . No doubt you will become a great grower.πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘ŠπŸ»πŸ‘ŠπŸ»
@HylianGrass, I've been growing in soil for a couple of years to mostly good results but have always been intrigued by hydroponics. Of course, now I feel like a complete newb again. I'm glad I found Growdaries. With people like you and others being so friendly and helpful it gives me the confidence to try new things and push the envelope a bit. Thanks for the encouragement and I'll probably take you up on your offer of advice. I agree on your assessment, I've checked out a few other online dairy communities since I found this one and for my money GD has them beat hands down. πŸ‘
@mrchicks, thank you very much ! I am more than pleased to inspire someone or help them out if needed, if you need anything please don’t hesitate . We growers are a community that loves to share tips and tricks . My main tip for hydroponic is knowledge, submerge yourself in text, video , image.... when mastered hydroponic can achieve great things but at the cost of hundreds of possible trouble or issues. Water temps, ph levels , humidity, oxigen levels, mold and many more things can go wrong . Go small at first , get to know how it all works. But trust me when done right you will achieve magnificent and healthy plant That will grow significantly faster than in soil . There is no better feeling than consuming your own flowers that you cared for, it kinda makes the high better and after a while you wont want to smoke any other products since yours is made by you for you , happy growing my friend let me know when you start a diary πŸ‘ŠπŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»
Fast_Budsweek 1
Hey there, Thanks so much for running a diary of our genetics πŸ™Œ Let us know if you need any assistance, we’re more than happy to help. Happy Growing !!! πŸŒ±β˜˜οΈπŸŒ΄πŸ€πŸŒΏπŸŒ³