24.03.20 Day 24
Shes plodding along. Shes sort of been hidden in the corner I've tried to rearrange the space so shes getting direct light. Waiting on a soil delivery to top up the pot and get prepped for the outdoor plants 💚
@Mrs_Larimar, thank you. To be honest shes no bigger this week🙈 still not under the light and being on a cupboard in my room with inadequate sunlight hasnt helped her at all🤦♀️Glad it's a photo and not an auto 😂
@AngryBird, Tbh I think she looks healthy as 😊👌 I damaged some growth on one of my cheeses from last grow fimed her and damaged new growth and tbh she was the better tasting plant out of the 2 xx
@Miss_Greenthumbs_Garden, hey🙋♀️ yeh I do love a good defoliation myself but I prefer it to happen when theres decent growth from that branching and also Its the fact its been ripped off rather rather than snipped of further away. Think the newer growth may have been damaged, well soon see 🤞💚
Greetings from Russia! Your plants look great! Keep developing in the same spirit! If you are interested in following the adventures of weed in Russia, subscribe to my diary