Week 15, Another week cruse by , all is going very good with the girls , buds are plumping up and getting lots of nice colors 😎. come on Harvest LOL👍, thanks for looking in be safe👌
I was wondering about mainlining a couple of my girls to give it a try never done it before , should I wait for a defined sixth node before I start? , I have sixth node now but very early like the last couple of days Yes , No ??
To perform a good Mainlining ist important toi have a good strain. That means a vigor growing one. And the stems, leaves and branches should not be sturdy. So your Gorilla Girl is excluded. Thise Gorillas tend to be very sturdy and ist nearly impossible to perform mainlining. I dont know whats with your Girlsscout crack.…. If she grows vigor and her branchesare good to bend and bind... you may start soon. But i would wait another weeek. They look quite small. A nice Mianlining will take you 8-10 weeks Vegetation. Do you have another tent=? for the Mainlining Girls=?
So i hope i coulöd enlighten your thoughts
I believe all bio bizz products are %100 organic, I just used grow, bloom and topmax on my first grow with some fairly big doses and she suffered minor tip burn. I’m pretty sure it takes a bit of time for them to become effective, Check out there website.
Just like some input on superthrive (supplement /fertilize ?) , is this stuff legit and is it safe for organic grow , I purchased a 4 oz bottle a month ago and wondering if I should use , been reading some positives and negatives on the product and is a bit concerned about using
It contains Acetic Acid and Isopropyl.. Like wtf I don't know how correct the info is, but it looks like a legit msds.. I would not use that product because they are very non forthcoming with what's actually inside it.
Is there any significance in a weed leave to have more than seven (7) points . I just discovered a leave on one of my plants to have nine (9) points just curious😏, is this just normal or do I have a super plant LOL😁
Is optic foliar switch similar to optic shift and does it really work for stress and hermaphrodite plants , has anyone use those products and the was the outcome 😏
hi my friend
that cant work ... its irreversible but if you dont put out of your box they can polinize the others plants ..... herma can be smoked hahahaha
have a nice day
For you guys and gals that drop in to visit , STAY SAFE with this crap (Coronavirus) that's going around , we want to enjoy our crop down the road , we'll get through it 👍🙏, smoke a few and enjoy life 😉
@MrHaze, Thanks mate for looking in and you are right I will up the nutrients next watering which is today👍, I'm being over cautious It's the First time doing all organic , nice to get great input 😉, that's what I love about growdiaries 😁, Good luck to you and be safe mate 👍, all the best
@WeedTheNorth, Thanks mate for the encouragement 😁, I have a few to pop yet 🙏, But all in all it's starting to look good , also good luck to you , thanks for looking 👍, Have fun , just love farming 😉
@@@Athos, Thanks mate for the input 👍, just that it looked very strange when I see it first time used to seeing Seven , I'm glad it's healthy 😁, and good luck with your projects and have fun and stay safe 🙏
Welcome back my friend. Looks like a great new project you got going on and l look forward to your progress👍
Cheers man. Looking good and good luck this week ☺️
Damn man, sorry to hear about the COVID. Glad to hear you are on the mend though. Dont worry....Ive been smoking plenty for ya! 😉 Get better man, and thanks for the awesome diaries to follow.
@DWCbadassquestionmark, Glad for your concern mate 😏, but you must have misunderstood something , I don't have covid , I just till everyone to be safe and you also be safe and keep on smoking plenty LOL😉, new entries in my diary's tommorow , take care and have fun🙏
@raptor65 good luck with your grow - I am using BioBizz now and I would like to think it saved a few of my grows, 100% organic no Salts from Chemical Nutrients - and they now have a PH Up/Down product, being new to this whole scene I have been playing with many different regiments, keep you posted and will follow up on the Main Lining as I plant to try this on my Jedi Kush as well!
@MrJones,Thanks for your input bio buzz , I'm totally organic this year and had biobizz , grow and bloom purchased last year and didn't use the product at that time , with a little investigation began to use it with my kelp and molasses , epsom salts and my own compost mixture , seem to be coming along just great , good luck to you and your projects , keep safe
Back for this week's update... Ohhh I hate the start 😂 always seems Impossibly slow, stop feeding them man and let them get their feet 😂 just updated my girls, looking good this week 😊😊😊