She has inherited a N deficiency perhaps because I had used Start fertilizer for too long when it was time to change to Grow fertilizer, because she was growing and needed more N, I think if that was the case, this one could be needing larger doses of nutrients that I generally give to cannabis plants. I'll see that later. I discard lack of Ca and Mg because I'm using the same coco rhat I use on her sister Afghan diesel and some others, without seeing this issue on them, and secondly, I use CalMag. It has to be Nitrogen.
21 03 2020 she's responding well to a higher N concentration in the fertigation solution. I see the green color is getting uniform throughout the leaf. In the pics this may not be clear but to my eye, I see she's perhpas a little slowly but recuperating...inf fact she's a photoperiodic plant and I have (almost) all the time in the world for her to recover... But I won't wait for long, every plant costs too much money in terms of light, nutes, time and dedication, and I have a lot of seeds of other strains to experiment. I usually don't waste my time in weak plants that up to a few months may furnish a little shitty yield.