Squirrel_Mastercommentedweek 87 years ago
Sounds like this harvest was a miracle with the grow conditions, good job pulling nearly 2oz! I love the look of Blackberry. I do have to agree with @Yogsothoth though, looks like she might have come down a bit early.
I would say to never follow breeders estimates to the letter, rather use them as a rough guideline. My auto's generally go 75-85 days. The pistils are all still all white in your pics, there should be a lot more brown pistils (60/80%) and they will tighten up to the buds more and not stand up so straight. Using a loupe is great too for checking trichomes, you may want to let it get to the point of having around 30% amber trich's for a good couch lock.
The beauty of growing is you can pop another seed and try again, improve conditions bit by bit and each time you'll have better quality and quantity!
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