I'd like to welcome to my King Tut lab , We are currently on day 30 of flower with still another 40 to go !! By the time these ladies are done they are going to be wild wild . They smell is just fantastic they smell of fruit . Im getting very excited to finish these ladies up !
A big shout out to the people who stop in to check out the diaries !
Happy Growing!
Day#26 Pictures N/A . Growing along like crazy buds are getting thicker and thicker !! Day#1 Since watering 2G @650PPM
Day#27 Ladies are smelling up a storm making me salivate !!! Day#2 Since watering 2G @650PPM
Day#28 Pictures N/A. Watered ladies 2 gallon each @700PPM . They smell so super dank !! Like a fruit medly of sorts most of citrus though.
@DrewbieDoobieNoobie, LOL yeah they are both like that its gonna take a real sharp blade for sure , but I got a hedge clipper so im not worried :P
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