Cooler temps this week, battling rain and wind but seem to still be doing ok.
Flowers are filling in nicely, I have no idea what weight to expect once I harvest, I came into this hoping for a few ounces but looks like I'm in for some work come harvest time.
Wondering if the seedling leaf growth is of much concern, the leaves do not appear to be growing uniformly at this time, a few partial leaves observed but no pests present.
@Southpaw666 hi mate you need to treat baby cannabis plants just like babies and I can see by those leaves that they have been kept too close to a light and heat source which has
dried them out a little a minimum of 50cm is reccomended distance from a light to have ya plants .
Seedlingsstage is asenstitive stage and is the base of the grow. growers Need to Keep Attention not to do to much ( to much water , light and Food)