This plant has stalled a bit, I gave it a pretty big trim 4 days ago and it wasn't happy with it, last time I did a trim like this it stopped growing for a week but then had a sudden growth spurt. I am hoping it recovers but it has been a pretty sluggish grow from the start, I'm not touching this any further I'll just leave it to grow.
On the pro side the buds have taken a pleasing golden colour and some pistils are taking an amber tone, I'm a bit concerned with the leaves, I know I am guilty of recent over watering.
Its other twin I grew this alongside is really flourishing outside, it has mutated from a hermie to a full male, thats a first for me.
Really this is an outside plant, growing in a tent as I have done really is a waste.
@RussianGrower, that sounds like a great combination, should get some big buds, be sure to massage the branches so they strengthen up. I know I grew this in a tent but Siberian Haze is really meant to be grown outside, its very hardy and can take lower temperatures pretty well.
@ChronicFinest, Its not a branded model as I got it from China but you could find a very similar model on Ali Express, most brands just take the same model and respray it or etch in their logo. Look for a PRO 600w Duel Lumen Led Grow Light 2 fans Full Spectrum.
Just had a sample of one of the herbie buds I took off 2 weeks ago, and damn even though it was very premature and not even a female bud it certainly hit the spot!
When this is fully mature its really going to be a head spinner!