La semilla germinó a las 24hs de su primer contacto con agua. Se colocó en un vaso con agua sin cloro por 6 hs y luego entre papeles de cocina húmedos en un tupper a 26ºC. Todo el proceso en completa oscuridad.
Cultivo 100% orgánico y probiótico.
Cultivo en exterior fuera de temporada. Las condiciones no serán las ideales pero será un desafío. Estas semanas de marzo acá (Argentina) son cálidas, ideal para germinar y para las primeras semanas de crecimiento.
El sustrato es tierra compostada mezclada con un poco de fibra de coco y perlita. Para prepararla, antes de colocar la semillas se la regó con concentraciones bajas de EM1 y melaza orgánica. Cuando se colocaron las semillas germinadas en la tierra se hizo una sola aplicación de Bioroots 1ml/L.
Por ahora solo riego con agua sin cloro.
@Mageuzi, thanks!
Yes, I noticed it in my last crop. We were looing for increase the brix levels and we added mycorrhizae to improve the absorption of nutrients. After that addition it was noticed how the plants improved in certain aspects. Unfortunately it didn't help us with the brix's. 😒
hey, looks like you have some skill and knowledge when it comes to cannabis plants :D may I ask whats the purpose of the orange peels? I'm having my first grow and its documented on my profile :) the seedling is only about 2cm high for now so no hurry but I would appreciate if you'd take a look at my journal when you'll have some free time and tell me if I'm doing anything wrong or if you would like to give me some directions :))
thanks and I wish you all the best with your plants 💪🙏👌
@sticky_icky_fingers, Hi mate! it's mandarin peels! I put them because it's known that citric peels drive away some pest like ants (only when peels are fresh) and I checked that. Also I put them because its look cute and its a good surce of essential oils when degradetes. Obviously, its not the best pesticide or the most rich organic matter but it helps! and everithing it helps its good. 👌 I'd glad to take a look at your journal! But you should concidered that we're learning too.
Happy growing! 💪