Day 49 and I nuted after I saw budlets and I fiqure scretch was maybe slowing. I kinda water by pot weight, so around 500ml does it for me. The weather has been maritime the last few days and will be for another couple days, with it windy. I'll get a bit of heat by Tuesday. I'm looking for the plants to cannibalize a little and show some yellowing of the bottom leaves. Researching why I would want to reduce the light cycle in terms of the dark cycle using the sugars and how big the plant needs to be to feed itself... I don't know, maybe there is a balance to it? So, all this stuff I was supposed to learn in high school but was out getting high? I have to learn it on my own now. Its better than going out and buying a whole bunch of stuff and not knowing what its used for. In other words, a lot more research and learning for me.