OGgrowsanswered grow question 5 years ago Hi mate.give small amounts of water at a time (100ml), between watering let the soil dry well, if you take the pot after watering the substrate is very heavy, when it is almost dry it is very light, try to orient yourself like that, too much wet substrate may be the cause for the plant not to grow. Try to keep the humidity at 70% -80% during the vegetative state of the plant. And only start giving growth fertilizers when the second to real leaves grow. See if the plants tolerate the soil to dry superficially between waterings. Drying between watering intervals is very effective in controlling gnats. Use yellow sticky traps that help control and monitor the problem. Sprinkle cinnamon over the surface of the pots. They have a fungicidal action and control the fungi that feed the Fungus gnat. Sprinkle diatomite (diatomaceous soil) on the surface of the vessels. The contact and ingestion of the silicon microparticles present in this material, ends up causing dehydration and injuries in the digestive tract of insects, acting as well as a non-poisonous insecticide.Good luck mate