The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

1x Royal Haze Auto + Outdoor

5 years ago
Cultilite Light Emitting Diodes/500W
Cultilite Light Emitting Diodes/500W
Room Type
Grow medium
15 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
5 years ago
24 hrs
26 °C
60 %
20 °C
26 °C
10 cm
A NEW PLANT IS GROWING I thank @james of Royal Queen Seeds for giving me the chance to try this strain. Unfortunately photos of the preparation for germination and others have been lost. I started using the Easy start kit provided. I added the Bacto mix to 1Lt of water which I then poured into a saucer. I placed the tray in the saucer and waited until it was completely wet. I put to germinate 4 seeds of Royal Haze Auto and one of Northern Light. To not waste space, I also started to germinate the onions 😂😊 I placed the tray in the grow box(for germination) with a heating mat. After 3 days 3 seeds had come out and already measured 2-3 cm. I let the new seedlings form the first roots and after transplant them. The seventh day I decided to repot the seedlings, 3 of them in small pots, to allow them to grow a little, before let them grow outdoor ( I will use them to experiment). The healthier and larger seedling grow inside in the 15lt pot. The soil was created by mixing 75 g of EasyBoost with 14lt of BioBizz Ligth Mix. On the bottom of the pot I put a layer of clay pebbles(which I first washed to remove any dust), then I put the earth and finally watered everything well and I let the pot lose all the excess water before trasplanting. After some time I transplanted the seedlings and put them in the growth growbox. During the germination stage I sprayed every day water on the plants to keep the humidity and the soil moist.
Week 2. Vegetation
5 years ago
8 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
50 %
20 °C
26 °C
15 L
50 cm
Vegetative week 1 ---> No watering for the plant in the 15 Lt fibric pot(indoor) because the soil is already wet. The soil of the plants in small plastic pots(outdoor) dried a littel bit and i watered it with one cup of pH water and 1ml/L of root juice by BioBizz. The third seed, sprouted late, was trasplanted 4 day later than the others. The plants stretched in the early days of the week because the other plants in the grow box cover them but now is fixed and there is no more stretching. The last plant trasplanted grow very slow and is small, probably will not became a big plant, but is only the first week, I hope in her.
Week 3. Vegetation
5 years ago
20 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
50 %
20 °C
26 °C
15 L
50 cm
Vegetative week 2 ---> I watered twice this week the plants in small plastic pots with one cup of pH 6.5 water and 1ml of Root Juice (BioBizz). They dry out vary quickly, I will transplant them outdoor next week. The plant in the 15L pot dried out and i watered it with half liter of pH water, next week I will water it with fertilized water. All the ladies grow fast and beatiful without problems. The small plant try too grow big but she still small.
Week 4. Vegetation
5 years ago
40 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
50 %
20 °C
26 °C
15 L
50 cm
Nutrients 1
Easy Grow Booster Tablets - RQS Organic Nutrients
Easy Grow Booster Tablets 1.4 mll
Vegetative week 3 ---> Indoor plant: She grow fast, strongh and healty.😍💪 Nothing special to say this week... I watered her with 2.5 lt of 6.5 pH water with half of EASY GROW BOOSTER TABLET from Royal Queen Seeds. I had add a layer of clay pebbles on the top of the pot to decrease the loss of humidity. Outdoor plants: I trasplanted, the 3 plants of the small plastic pots, in the end of second vegetative week. I put the ladies in a 9lt pots with BioBizz LigthMix soil and 50 gr of pallet manure and 4 spoons of wood ash (these quantity mixed with 10lt of soil and left to rest for a week). Unfortunately the second day out, the nigth temperture decrease to 0 °C and the plants get stressed and stop grow.😥😥 After many days they restarted to grow slowly and now when is nigth i cover them to protect them from the cold. Probably when them dry out, I will watering with vegetative fertilizer because they look vary stressed.
Week 5. Vegetation
5 years ago
65 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
50 %
20 °C
26 °C
15 L
50 cm
Nutrients 1
Easy Grow Booster Tablets - RQS Organic Nutrients
Easy Grow Booster Tablets 1.4 mll
Vegetative week 4 ---> Indoor plant: Nothing to report this week. The plant grow fast and healty without problems. She grow not too much high and with a lot of branches.💪👍 I waterd it with 2.5lt of water (pH 6.5) and half tab of EASY GROW BOOSTER TABLET from Royal Queen Seeds. In the end of this week she start to dry out and I watered only with half liter of water. She start to develop the flowers 😍 and next time she need water i will start to use the EASY BLOOM BOOSTER TABLET. Temperature grow box---> 21-26 °C Umidity grow box ---> 40 - 55 % Outdoor plant: Something change slowly, the plants start regrow but not to much fast. I removed the top clay layer because the soil didn't dry out. After i waterd it with pH water and Atami B'Cuzz 1-Component for soil, the plants start too feel good but the soil was compact and too much wet. With a fork i moved the top of the soil and it dry out now. I hope now the ladies recover and grow faster and bigger.🙏 I folded the plant because i want to practice with LST tecnique, I used it wrong in the last diary.
Week 6. Flowering
5 years ago
95 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
50 %
21 °C
24 °C
21 °C
15 L
30 cm
Nutrients 1
Easy Bloom Booster Tablets - RQS Organic Nutrients
Easy Bloom Booster Tablets 2.5 mll
Flowering week 1 ---> Indoor plant: Amezing growth!!😍 She grow fast, beutifull and healty without problems. She grow not too much high and in one week she is became a wondefull big plant with many leave and with a lot of branches. She start to develop a lot of small flowers and I hope they became nice big buds. 😍😁 I waterd it with 4lt of water (pH 6.5) and half tab of EASY BLOOM BOOSTER TABLET from Royal Queen Seeds(This happend in the first days of the week). The soil is still wet and I will water it next week when she start to dry out. . Temperature grow box---> 21-26 °C Umidity grow box ---> 45 - 55 % Outdoor plants: Something change slowly, the plants start regrow but not to much fast. The plants don't look so healty 😢 and probably because the soil doesn't dry out. I try many times to move the soil to allow it to dry but nothing special happend. After a week without watering she still wet(not too much) and i have decided to not touch them until they dry out. I hope now with nice hot sunny days they will recover🙏. Only the more healty one show a littel bit of flowers.
Week 7. Flowering
5 years ago
100 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
50 %
21 °C
24 °C
21 °C
15 L
25 cm
Nutrients 1
Easy Bloom Booster Tablets - RQS Organic Nutrients
Easy Bloom Booster Tablets 2.5 mll
Flowering week 2 ---> Indoor plant: She slow the grow and she start to develop many buds. This week she grow only a little bit compared to last week but she have more leaves and she looks more bushy. The buds still small but they became bigger and more every day. When I open the grow box she smell too strong.😍😋 The soil dry out three day before the end of this week and I waterd it with 4lt of water (pH 6.5) and half tab of EASY BLOOM BOOSTER TABLET from Royal Queen Seeds. In the end of the week the soil is still wet and I will water it next time when she start to dry out(She dry out more quickly now). Temperature grow box---> 21-25 °C Umidity grow box ---> 45 - 55 % Outdoor plants: The plants still don't look so healty 😢. The soil dried out and i watered it with 1 lt for plant of 6.5 pH water and 5ml/L Atami B'Cuzz 1-Component. All the plants grow bigger because they start to flowering and the healty one have the first buds (They smell strong). At this point of the grow i can't do too much and I chose to leave them finish and watering only when they dry.
Week 8. Flowering
5 years ago
100 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
50 %
22 °C
24 °C
22 °C
15 L
25 cm
Nutrients 1
Easy Bloom Booster Tablets - RQS Organic Nutrients
Easy Bloom Booster Tablets 2.5 mll
Flowering week 3 ---> Indoor plant: Nothing special this week. She stop to grow and she start to develop more bigger flowers with strong smell 😍. The soil dry out quickliy compered to last week. I waterd it with 4lt of water (pH 6.5) and half tab of EASY BLOOM BOOSTER TABLET from Royal Queen Seeds. Temperature grow box---> 22-26 °C Umidity grow box ---> 45 - 55 % Outdoor plants: The plants look more healty and bushy💪 thenks to the beautifull weather. They grow bigger and develop some small flowers. They will probably not produce bigger and dense flower😢 but currently my plan is to harvest the ladies more late possible(to get the best result) and to continue water them with 6.5 pH water and Atami 1 Component every time they dry out. This week i waterd them with 1.5 lt of 6.5 pH water and Atami 1 Component for each plant.
Week 9. Flowering
5 years ago
100 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
50 %
22 °C
24 °C
22 °C
15 L
25 cm
Nutrients 1
Easy Bloom Booster Tablets - RQS Organic Nutrients
Easy Bloom Booster Tablets 2.5 mll
Flowering week 4 ---> Indoor plant: Nothing special this week. She stop to growing and making buds. Flowers become more bigger and dense with a strong smell.💪 The soil dry out very quickliy. I waterd it with 4lt of water (pH 6.5) and half tab of EASY BLOOM BOOSTER TABLET from Royal Queen Seeds one time the first day of the week and another time the last day of the week with other 4lt of water and half tab of EASY BLOOM BOOSTER TABLET. I removed the yellowing bottom leaves. Temperature grow box---> 22-26 °C Umidity grow box ---> 45 - 55 % Outdoor plants: They stop to growing and they start to make many beautiful big flowers. I water them with 6.5 pH water and Atami 1 Component every time they dry out. This week i waterd them with 2 lt of 6.5 pH water and 5ml/L Atami 1 Component for each plant.
Week 10. Flowering
5 years ago
105 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
50 %
22 °C
24 °C
22 °C
15 L
20 cm
Nutrients 1
Easy Bloom Booster Tablets - RQS Organic Nutrients
Easy Bloom Booster Tablets 2.5 mll
Flowering week 5 ---> Indoor plant: This week flowers become huge and bigger with a very strong smell.💪 I wait more long possible during this flowering beacuse the lower flowers are very fluffy and I want to harvest great buds as much as possible . I watering the plant with 4lt of water (pH 6.5) and half tab of EASY BLOOM BOOSTER TABLET from Royal Queen Seeds every four days I removed the yellowing leaves. Temperature grow box---> 22-26 °C Umidity grow box ---> 45 - 55 % Outdoor plants: They making many strong smell flowers. The calyx are big but they not form a big cola. My idea for this plants is to harvest them when the indoor plant is ready. I want to use them with the trimmg of the indoor plant too make some good hash.😋 I watering the ladies every time they dry out with 2 lt of 6.5 pH water and 5ml/L Atami 1 Component for each plant(two time this week). I will stop using fertilizers when there is one week left before harvest.
Week 11. Flowering
5 years ago
105 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
50 %
22 °C
24 °C
22 °C
15 L
20 cm
Flowering week 6 ---> Indoor plant: This is the last week of flowering. The flowers are ready to be harvest.💪 I watering the plant only with 4lt of water (pH 6.5). I removed the yellowing leaves. I will wait after all the soil il totaly dry before harvesting. Temperature grow box---> 22-26 °C Umidity grow box ---> 45 - 55 % Outdoor plants: They are in full bloom ready for the harvest😍. This week I watering the plants only with water.


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Ferenccommentedweek 45 years ago
Exciting:) @MountainFlowers
MountainFlowerscommented5 years ago
@Ferenc, thank you 😊😉💪👍
Smokwiricommentedweek 115 years ago
Taste of this one is sublime, the smell is very present in the taste
MountainFlowerscommented5 years ago
@Smokwiri,I have already harvest it and the taste and flavor are fantastic😍😋
Inganjawetrustcommentedweek 115 years ago
Looks nice best of luck✌️
MountainFlowerscommented5 years ago
DoDrugs420commentedweek 114 years ago
Lovelly Royal Haze Automatic!!!
Budhazardcommentedweek 115 years ago
Like it💚 visit my diaries if you want🌱
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