Day 112 for these four Gorilla Bomb clones. Six weeks of flowering complete, three weeks of flowering to go.
A general address: finally reflecting the new high pressure sodium flowering light. This replaces the LEDs in my 6’x4’ tent. It is a 600 watt Vivosun HPS setup! Still adjusting to the benefits and drawbacks compared to LED, for example taking photos. I have experimented with plastic filters and have been shown some cheap products, for now just taking pictures with my phone with “dramatic” effect seems to be the best combination of colour and resolution for now. You especially lose the fading colour of the Gorilla Bomb. I’m not lugging them in and out based on the location of my tents. I will also shout-out to Hellishjam and BudXs 🤙🏻🇨🇦 who are constantly supportive and encouraging.
The buds are absolutely stacking and really giving off the typical fruity type Gorilla Bomb smell. I haven’t had this much bud at this point with this strain so I am very excited. I most recently fed 0-10-10 Alaska Morbloom with a popsicle stick dip of blackstrap molasses and Plant Prod MJ Spike (CalMag). It does appear one of the four became a runt, it looks like it got too much nitrogen, or amendment in general? Not sure but it became obvious over time.