Room- 5 seeds
Light- 60w
Growth- slow
Size- range in size from 6"-8" (1 seems to be stunted)
Feed- as noted
Supplement- Chickpea Sprout Mash (2 tbs/1L water); got lazy no tea
I didn't bubble the Chickpea sprouts, I decided to just add the mash to water and feed.
Seed sprout tea (SST) is an easy, economical and environmentally-friendly way in which we can irrigate our garden with our own homemade plant growth stimulant, rich in phytohormones, enzymes, minerals and nutrients, and is suitable for use on cannabis plants in vegetative growth as well as during the flowering period, depending on the seeds being used.
28g (1oz) of your chosen seeds, beans or grains
1/4 tsp Kelp meal
Sprouting is the process of germinating a seed. The sprouting process is said to ramp up the nutritional value.
1- Soak the chickpeas in water overnight, then the next morning, rinse them thoroughly.
2- Use a Mason jar with a coffee-filter across the top, held in place by an elastic band or mason jar top, minus the flat plate(Air must come in) Adding a quarter-teaspoon of kelp meal at this point will infuse the water with growth-promoting phytohormones and help to accelerate the germination process
3- Rinse and drain repeat twice a day until the sprouting tails are as long as the seeds themselves. This usually takes a few days.
4- After 12 hours or so, some of the chickpeas should be showing a little sprout coming through. Some won’t yet. This is normal!
5- Blend the sprouted seeds in a food processor along with a cup or so of water. Separate the liquid from the seed pulp using the sieve, straining the resulting liquid into a container. The pulp can be composted or added directly to the soil surface as an enzyme-rich top-dressing.
6- Dilute the resulting liquid in 10 litres water
7- Now you have choices to bubble/aerate or add molasses and ferment... I got lazy, skipped this whole step and watered my plants, NO BIGGIE
@ChuckyK,... week 2. I started off with the low dosage 1ml/1L. According to how many nodes on the plant, I just add a lil water to adjust the strength accordingly. So i would water from tallest plant to shortest.. adding water only once... no biggie