High growers! Last week was not easy, plants got too much nutrients, especialy nitrogen. I found some leaf tips curled down or burned, and some of the leaves were “green too much”. So week 4 was just pure water, with no nutriens. Some kind of flush. Im not sure, if I feed them next time, when watering comes. To me, they look pretty fine, much better than 3-4 days ago. I think I will skip feeding for next watering, depends how they grow next 2 days, till watering comes. The ones on the left side, Critical Jack on left bottom and 2x auto jack just above it, started producing buds already. Californian Snow, on the right bottom, and 2x Somango, above the Californian Snow, are taking a bit more time, but little buds are there already too. Will see the progress next week. If you find anything Im doing wrong, let me know. Im not so experienced with autos. Have a gr8 day guys, see you next week!