
Blackberry gum - SeedStockers

4 years ago
Room Type
weeks 3-9
weeks 3-5, 9
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 1
20 hrs
Light Schedule
Day Air Temperature
6+ conditions after
Commented by
themonk92 themonk92
4 years ago
Seeds arrived, put them in to water for 6 hours or so, then into paper towel for germination. Using 5L fabric pots as I am new grower and want smaller plants. Thus is my second grow, and in my first I managed 7g of crap. So I did more research and tried to improve for better results. Such as; Using fabric pots instead of plastic with poor drainage. Doing more research Sticking to a struck water schedule, as I overwatered a lot. Checked the pH of my water (6.9). So now I can control nutes and pH better. Planting into final pot with auto flowers. So I mixed some John innes #2 and 25% perlite at the base of the pot about quarter. I the filled the pits with a mix of 25% JI#2 25% perlite 50% seedling soil. I then made a toilet roll tube size hole in the centre filled with 50/50 seedling soil and perlite. 29/3 Taproot showed so planted into center of the 5l pot. 1/4/20 seedling dropped their seeds, though is it just me or are they pale? Either way I'll count it as day 1. Day 3, the seed had lost 1 of its leaves when's it's seed case came off. But both plants have time 1st leaves. Day 6, well both plants doing ok. Under a 250 at night and in my yard on sunny days. 1st true leaves havr grown nicely though on leaf has a cut through it. Day 7, both plants have tiny 2 leaves, the gum has started slower than the critical, but it had lost a leaf so to be expected.
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Grow Questions
themonk92started grow question 4 years ago
What week should I stop using LST?
Techniques. LST
Fruitgroweranswered grow question 4 years ago
As long as you want really. As long as the stems are pliable you can bend and tie them down. It is advised not to in flower but as long as your careful. Some times you need to!
themonk92started grow question 4 years ago
When white pistils start appearing does that mean the "stretch" period is over?
Other. General questions
OutForRealanswered grow question 4 years ago
Not really , 1st pistils are showing before/during the stretch and when the stretch is over the tops are starting to push pistils to slowly form some buds
themonk92started grow question 4 years ago
Should I snip the lower growths you f these side branches or is it better to let them grow on this auto?
Techniques. Defoliation
occultgreen420answered grow question 4 years ago
Hi dude, if it's an auto in week 4 of life, let her be, needs to be as healthy and as happy as possible when entering flowering stage. If it's a fem one, and plan on veging her for longer, you can remove lower growth
themonk92started grow question 4 years ago
Any help with this deficiency? 250w hps in a 5L pot, soil and perlite cx nutrients. I did some research and my closest guess is N or boron Def.
Leaves. Color - Yellow
DreamCatcheranswered grow question 4 years ago
If it happens on the lower/older leaves at the bottom of the plant and crawling upwards then its a nitrogen deficiency yes, but looking at it it has discoloration between the veins which makes me think it might be a calmag imbalance. Looking very good though ^_^
themonk92started grow question 4 years ago
I'm hoping that it's just new growth, but I'm not sure. I see a few like it without pistils, but I don't see any seed pods. Any insight would be great thanks 😊
Buds. Not fattening
Shagrathanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hi there! For sure no male parts in there mate! I think these buds might have just begun to develop and the pistils have not yet grown out

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Ajwardy18week 1
The second the first rounded leafs open that's basically day 1 and I like to call that a pre seedling stage as she's just been born and preparing for the seedling phase which is the first time you see chicken feet! Also nice guide! She's a beauty! This strain is my second attempt and youve helped me understand the stages of this strain! The picture of that deficiency could possibly be a pH... I don't grow in soil and I've read that the PH should be between 6.2 and 6.5 In soil.whilst Coco can range from 5.5/ 6.0 having 5.8 as the sweet spot
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Ajwardy18week 1
The second the first rounded leafs open that's basically day 1 and I like to call that a pre seedling stage as she's just been born and preparing for the seedling phase which is the first time you see chicken feet! Also nice guide! She's a beauty! This strain is my second attempt and youve helped me understand the stages of this strain! The picture of that deficiency could possibly be a pH... I don't grow in soil and I've read that the PH should be between 6.2 and 6.5 In soil.whilst Coco can range from 5.5/ 6.0 having 5.8 as the sweet spot
@@Ajwardy18, thanks for the comment, I found her to be pretty nice to grow, good smoke too imo, I'm happy to help in any way even if it's from my mistakes ☺️. Yeah I thought it may be pH too, luckily it didn't affect my buds. Good luck with your grow too.
SNoWfLaKe420week 2
Mine won’t grow dropped something on one and killed it today but the other is 4 weeks old and half the size of yours
@@SNoWfLaKe420, looks are recieving mate that's only a 5 litre pot so it makes it looks bigger. How are yours doing now? Have you tried some nutes?
themonk92week 4
Day 29, Decided to re-apply the LST as I wasn't happy with the shape yet, will give it a week or so more. Also gave her a bit more defoliation as she had lots of shady bits. Definitely in pre flower as I see a few white pistils popping up, but not many.