Day 96 for this FFT3 clone (by Fastbuds). Some unexpected happenings, I have a new flower light. I want to get this shibang going so I threw FFT3 into the other tent. I made room, and the room saved in veg is appreciated. I made sure to nab some clones before doing so. Another tester was looking shaky so I did take the opportunity to give this one 24-8-16 All Purpose Miracle Grow food with Plant Prod MJ Spike (CalMag). Hopefully this is an appreciated boost into flower.
Lets take a moment to give shout out to BudXs and Hellishjam, two great Canadians who deserve some likes. Shower the love and check out their grows. Superb dudes.
Your plant is suffering from over-watering or being to close to the LED! Check out my grow to see what a healthy Sativa should look like. #I Luv Relativity...#Fuck Quantum Mechanics!
Monkey boy
Thanks so much for the shoutouts for me and Hellish🙌
Let us know if you need any assistance, we’re more than happy to refer you to Google.
Happy Growing !!! 🌱☘️🌴🍀🌿🌳