Hi! Nice child = D
How do you measure the water? Do you have some system to provide it?
I have a 3 weeks Runtz and i just transplanted it to its final spot, but its becoming sad, u know what i mean, leaves are faling like sads. I just wattered it yesterday and im kinda afraid to overwatter it, i dont pretend to get the biggest harvest, this time I want just to grow it up and understand its feelings. So u think maybe its safer to me this time to watter it a little bit (0.5L) everyday using some system or i just ignore the sad leaves and i fully watter it again in 3-4 days?
@trasplasplun, hello :) I water her completely once a week or when the top 3cm are dry ... have you holes in your planter? you could get waterlogged if not and that would not be good :)