Cindy II - The slower of the two, and not as deep green as her sister. Still she is at 3" and almost to 5th internode. Hope her color picks up, once her roots start using the main soil.
Cindy I - She's now starting to show some vertical growth at 3.5" and starting the 6th internode.
Cindy II top view
Cindy II - The slower of the two, and not as deep green as her sister. Still she is at 3" and almost to 5th internode. Hope her color picks up, once her roots start using the main soil.
Cindy I - She's now starting to show some vertical growth at 3.5" and starting the 6th internode.
Another unstable week, as temps were still 77-96F (a record for this time of year). We are still getting the unusual windy days, with a major thunder/windstorm (50 mph) last week.
Makes for nice strong stems.
They survived that one in the shed, but I got caught with them outside, as a cool front dropped the temps to the low 40s. They looked ok, after the day warmed up nicely.
I noticed a web across one bucket, so the 8 legged creatures are now aware of them.
Cindy I looks like she will be ready to top soon, so the boring days of just watching them grow will get a reprieve.