End of the 2nd week and one plant is experiencing faster growth. Issues with humidity and heat have arisen. If I don’t keep the ultrasonic fogger filled the heat can spike into the 90s and RH drops to the 10s. As long as it running the tent stays down around 86-72% with RH around 60-50%. I foliar fed once before lights off but I won’t be listing the nutrients through the site because none of it was added to reservoir. No ph fluctuations and the EC was bumped to 1.0 with the addition of 1 teaspoon of MegaCrop in about 10-15 gal of recirculating solution.
This is where I miss stuffing my tent and doing a sea of green with a bunch of plants. Humidity not an issue and there’s a lot more options for venting out my tent with the extra outlet space. Once I get the air to my house turned on the temp should drop to a more comfortable 80s even without the ultrasonic but I am yet again doubting methods and my choice of growing. .....Octopots! That is what I will do next after this harvest! Stuff the tent and say fuck it!
@OKushoma, oh man I can’t wait for that. Start of week 8 and I’m starting to notice the smell. What was the yield you got if your sweet n sour diaper Stomper hahaha? 😂
@Growingkitten, thanks much appreciation! And since getting my air turned on I just leave that on till the house is freezing at night haha. I also vent the tent with a duct fan and was using the ultra sonic fogger to add humidity which brought it down. It’s honestly not that stable, it’s been dropping into the 60s and tops at 80 by mid day. Without air in the house thought it would probably be tipping 98-99 😅