blendmedmedmancommentedweek 165 years ago
this is no good so sorry,
lots of stress, heat issues, not enough cool water, roots dried out fats and in return plant died off, lack of water and heat. plants are like babies you have to take care of them and give them attention, it happens to us all.
we have to remember we are the care givers and we are in charge of making them happy and give them everything they need. light, air and food and water, thats it, now if one or more of those things are off, well the plant shows signs and will tell you, if you do not fix the little stuff it becomes a bigger problem. while you left on holiday your plants prob. showed signs, little things that prob went unnoticed, not enough water and the heat evaporated the water fast, dried out the soil and in the soil the roots dried out.
to fix for next time i would suggest using kelp in your nutrients, kelp is used to help plants deal with heat. if you know it will soon get hot give kelp a few times before the heat, kelp helps the plant deal with stress better, kelp is also good for that nice green in the plant itself and keeps the plant in some what good shape. if you start having problems, 1. check your ph, ph being off can start harming the plant in a negative way, get the ph right and you take away a lot of deficiencies right away as the roots are happy and will take up the nutrients they need,, also you may want to add a cal mag to the line up, cal mag helps the plant build up good cells, and it is kind of like a sugar. last you should also consider adding silica. silica helps the cells in the plant to stay strog and also helps growth, your plants would be really happy.
last each and every time you water or feed, you want a little run off, this lets you know you gave the plant water and her pot is full. what i do is i go by weight of the pot, i water good the first time when it is a young seedling, i pick the pot up and i feel the weight, now though out the plants life i pick the pot up, if it is still kind of heavy i dont water, if it is lighter than it should i water, you also have to check on the plants and spend time with them.
we live and learn, with each grow we do we get better, do not let these little set backs get to you, most plant will do what they are supposed to do, some times we do something to mess that up, sometimes something happens that is out of our control,
things will work out and you will have a great harvest when it does, so dont give up
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