The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Bag seeds - long veg balcony/indoor grow

5 years ago
Room Type
weeks 5-10
weeks 8-9, 11, 15
Grow medium
8 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
5 years ago
7 cm
18 hrs
16 °C
No Smell
16 °C
0 L
0 L
Nutrients 1
Laktofol - 9-3-4 / MG -2 2 mll
Well, well, well, time for another one, this time a window sill - balcony grow! So these are some random bag seeds my girlfriend found. The one marked with "X" is from a particularly nice bud with a bit of a lemon smell to it, perhaps a lemon skunk 🤨? No idea. First week went great. Soaked the seeds in water for 24h and then wrapped them in some wet cotton for another 12 to 24h. This resulted in instant germination 😍 . Planted them on the 17th and one day later they had all sprouted 👌 I equipped the nursery pots with a DIY humidity dome (a plastic wrap covering the top of the pot) for the first few days of sprouting. Not sure if this has a marked effect, but my grandma always used to do that when she was growing her tomatoes. Naturally they all developed to be a little leggy as you can see from the first pictures. However, I purposely didn't fill the pots completely with soil. On day 7th after sprout I simply filled the rest of the pots with soil, effectively "burying" part of the stem (last pictures). In terms of lighting, during the day they receive at least 6 hours of direct sunlight. This will naturally increase come summer. They spent their first days inside on the window sill, however as they develop I put them out on the balcony more and more so that they get used to the great outdoors. 💪 Finally I gave them about 200-300ml water each with about 0.2 ml/100ml of my random store-bought nutrient. It has a nice NPK ratio and I'm expecting decent results. Still wondering what's the optimal watering schedule at this points, suggestions are welcome! 🙏 Well, that's it for week one. I'm very excited for these little babies and plan on training them as hard as I can so I can learn more new techniques like Main-Lining and extended LST. 🙌
Week 2. Vegetation
5 years ago
7 cm
18 hrs
20 °C
No Smell
20 °C
0 L
0 L
Nutrients 1
Laktofol - 9-3-4 / MG -2 2 mll
Second week after sprout, nothing too exciting happening right now 😅 The seedlings look healthy. I managed to burn one a tiny bit with a little too much nutes, whoops 😶 Found a microscopic bug that looked like a spider mite. I will definitely be buying some sort of pesticide soon! Happy growing, friends! 🌿👆
Week 3. Vegetation
5 years ago
7 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
16 °C
0 L
0 L
Nutrients 1
Laktofol - 9-3-4 / MG -2 5 mll
Hello there fellow growers! This week was a bit slow with almost no sun for these babies. I noticed however that they are responding quite well to the nutes, so I decided to up the dose and feed them two times in a row. They seem to be handling that well too, so I think I'll keep going as far as I can. Yesterday was super sunny and the forecast is promising for this week so I'll be leaving them on the balc for good! Also, no sign of any pests as of now, but I will most probably be getting some of the diatomaceous earth, as suggest by a fellow grower @occultgreen420. Happy growing, friends! 🌿✌️
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Week 4. Vegetation
5 years ago
11 cm
18 hrs
30 °C
No Smell
20 °C
8 L
1 L
Nutrients 1
Laktofol - 9-3-4 / MG -2 7 mll
Hello there, fellow bud tenders, it's a lovely day to be alive! First month is in the books! Transplanted in 2gal air pots (thanks @occultgreen420!). They seem to be thuuh-riving! Sun has been super strong this last week and you can clearly see the difference from last week. Increased their nutrient intake to 75% of suggested amount, let's see how it goes. Also, they need more water than my 12l plants in the grow tent (17 F)... just goes to show how powerful the sun is! I think this is the week I'll start mainlining them. Pretty excited ^_^ Happy growing, friends! ✌️🌿
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Week 5. Vegetation
5 years ago
11 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
No Smell
20 °C
8 L
1 L
Nutrients 1
Laktofol - 9-3-4 / MG -2 9 mll
Heyoo! Posting a bit late since this week's been a bit hectic. Started mainlining this week, I think a day before the photos were taken. Everything's going swell so far, the plants are already pulling hard on the metal wires I used to tie them down. 💚 They are responding super well to the nutrients so I'm upping the dose this week to 100%. 💪 Sadly there's not going to be much sunlight this week, so I'm expecting a slower pace of development. I guess that's one of the risks of using the sun as a grow light 😅 Have a nice one and don't forget that it's always a beautiful day to be alive! ✌️🌿
Used techniques
Week 6. Vegetation
5 years ago
12 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
No Smell
18 °C
8 L
1 L
Nutrients 1
Laktofol - 9-3-4 / MG -2 9 mll
Reeeal quick rundown of what happened this past week: 1 plant turned out male, got chopped. 1 plant basically got destroyed by my exquisite mainlining technique, got chopped 1 plant left, gender unknown :D Also it's been cloudy and raining every single day for the last week and a half, so I'm using my (very shitty) blurple LED to make up for the lack of sun. Kinda slowing the whole thing down, but I'm in no hurry, hehe. I like how the mainlining is coming along on this fella. If it turns out to be a female I'd be super stoked! Even if it doesn't, it would have still been worth it, since I've learned so much about main-lining! Don't forget that it's always a beautiful day to be alive, and keep growing! ✌️🌿
Used techniques
Week 7. Vegetation
5 years ago
12 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
18 °C
8 L
1 L
Nutrients 1
Laktofol - 9-3-4 / MG -2 10 mll
Performed the third and final (base) topping and tied down the 8 future colas ^_^ . I really like how the mainlining is coming along. Still haven't determined sex tho :/ It has been sunny for a couple of days this week, the growth is simply EXPLOSIVE with nice sunlight. I hope I'll know whether it's a boy or a girl by the end of this week. Happy growing everyone! ✌️🌿
Used techniques
Week 8. Vegetation
5 years ago
15 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
18 °C
8 L
1 L
Nutrients 1
Laktofol - 9-3-4 / MG -2 10 mll
Hey there 'erryone! So this was originally a balcony grow, yeah? Well, the weather has been so shitty the last 3 weeks that it basically turned into an indoor grow :/ I switched out my shitty Aliexpress blurple with a Kingbrite 125 LED so I'm actually expecting this plant to do really well. If it turns out to be a female that's getting the chop otherwise hehe. Don't forget that it's a beautiful day to be alive and keep growing! ✌️🌿
1 comment
Used techniques
Week 9. Vegetation
5 years ago
15 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
18 °C
8 L
1 L
Nutrients 1
Laktofol - 9-3-4 / MG -2 10 mll
Waddup y'all! Sooo this is plant is officially female! 🚺 It's a keeper hehe. It will have to survive yet another change in plans though, haha. Even though it is ready to enter flower, I have decided to flip it at the same time as my other grow (AK48 + White Widow Mainline This means that it will veg for another 4 weeks or so. Excited to see if this plan works! Remember that it's always a beautiful day to be alive and keep growing, friends! ✌️🌿
Used techniques
Week 10. Vegetation
5 years ago
16 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
18 °C
8 L
1 L
Nutrients 1
Laktofol - 9-3-4 / MG -2 10 mll
Heyooo! This week the sun's been up way more than the last few weeks and this girl is soaking up that sun energy like a boss 🌞😍 I think I'll prune everything below the top-most node again (third time) in order to slow her down just a bit. Remember the aim here is to flower her at the same time as the AK48 - White Widow grow! Her branches are not as thick as I'd like them to be, but maybe giving her that extra time will help her solidify the stems? I dunno, we'll see. Looking at another solid 2 weeks of veg I think. Remember that it's always a beautiful day to be alive and keep growing, friends! ✌️🌿
Used techniques
Week 11. Vegetation
5 years ago
18 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
18 °C
8 L
1 L
Nutrients 1
Laktofol - 9-3-4 / MG -2 10 mll
Heyooo! Some good news first, this week has been pretty sunny and hot so this gal here is streching a bit. I gave her a haircut, meaning I cut everything below the topmost node in order to defoliate a bit and more importantly slow her down. My cat knocked something on top of it and the stem split >< I tied it up and it seems to be doing well, so that's great. I think this might be its final veg week? It all depends on how the AK/WWidow are doing. Remember that it's always a beautiful day to be alive and keep growing, friends! ✌️🌿
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Used techniques
Week 12. Vegetation
5 years ago
20 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
18 °C
8 L
1 L
35 cm
Nutrients 1
Laktofol - 9-3-4 / MG -2 10 mll
Heyoo! Finally the time has come! This was the final veg week and this girl has been moved to the tent with the other two ladies. I flipped them all yesterday and I'll be switching this girl to some "flower" (store-bought lol) nutrients ASAP. Excited to see what will come out of this! Remember that it's always a beautiful day to be alive and keep growing, friends! ✌️🌿
Week 13. Flowering
5 years ago
20 cm
12 hrs
30 °C
No Smell
45 %
18 °C
8 L
1 L
30 cm
Nutrients 1
Floraline - 5-7-7 3 mll
Heyoo! First week of flower and new nutes. She doesn't seem to happy with the new nutes I think I'll lower the dosage. Some potassium deficiency showing on the lower leaves. Also she's just not as vigorous as the AK and the WWidow, so no pruning for her and generally taking things slowly.
Week 14. Flowering
5 years ago
30 cm
12 hrs
35 °C
No Smell
50 %
26 °C
8 L
1 L
30 cm
Heyo!! Alright so, this week has been water only as per @occultgreen420's advice for the potassium issue...The plant seems to be doing just fine and the deficiency seems to be confined just to the lower and older growth The stem has been getting thicker and the first white pistils are now a fact ^^ Remember that it's always a beautiful day to be alive and keep growing, friends! ✌️🌿
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Week 15. Flowering
5 years ago
30 cm
12 hrs
35 °C
No Smell
50 %
26 °C
8 L
0 L
30 cm
Nutrients 1
Floraline - 5-7-7 2.75 mll
Heyo! This week has been business as usual. This girl got the flush treatment in order to correct her deficiencies and now I've started her on some store bought nutes again. She looks lanky and I can tell the buds are not going to be top of the top quality..but hey we've spent so much time together by now she's like a companion at this point :D Remember that it's always a beautiful day to be alive and keep growing, friends! ✌️🌿
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Used techniques
Week 16. Flowering
5 years ago
30 cm
12 hrs
35 °C
No Smell
50 %
26 °C
8 L
0 L
30 cm
Nutrients 1
Floraline - 5-7-7 2.75 mll
Hey everyone, welcome to the end of this diary :( So all of these pictures are from last week, just couldn't find the motivation to upload them... Don't know exactly what happened, but I went on a vacation for a week and I came back to this. All the leaves have turned yellow, all the branches are slopping and the plant is basically dead. What could have suddenly caused that? The plant was looking more or less healthy the week before... I guess it was the heat? I'm starting to think that during flower, the plants get a little more delicate and less resistant to environment factors... Anyway, a big F to this plant o7 . It taught me how to mainline and to tell a plant's sex. Its death was not in vain...farewell "Bad Gene" Remember that it's always a beautiful day to be alive and keep growing, friends! ✌️🌿
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blendmedmedmancommentedweek 165 years ago
this is no good so sorry, lots of stress, heat issues, not enough cool water, roots dried out fats and in return plant died off, lack of water and heat. plants are like babies you have to take care of them and give them attention, it happens to us all. we have to remember we are the care givers and we are in charge of making them happy and give them everything they need. light, air and food and water, thats it, now if one or more of those things are off, well the plant shows signs and will tell you, if you do not fix the little stuff it becomes a bigger problem. while you left on holiday your plants prob. showed signs, little things that prob went unnoticed, not enough water and the heat evaporated the water fast, dried out the soil and in the soil the roots dried out. to fix for next time i would suggest using kelp in your nutrients, kelp is used to help plants deal with heat. if you know it will soon get hot give kelp a few times before the heat, kelp helps the plant deal with stress better, kelp is also good for that nice green in the plant itself and keeps the plant in some what good shape. if you start having problems, 1. check your ph, ph being off can start harming the plant in a negative way, get the ph right and you take away a lot of deficiencies right away as the roots are happy and will take up the nutrients they need,, also you may want to add a cal mag to the line up, cal mag helps the plant build up good cells, and it is kind of like a sugar. last you should also consider adding silica. silica helps the cells in the plant to stay strog and also helps growth, your plants would be really happy. last each and every time you water or feed, you want a little run off, this lets you know you gave the plant water and her pot is full. what i do is i go by weight of the pot, i water good the first time when it is a young seedling, i pick the pot up and i feel the weight, now though out the plants life i pick the pot up, if it is still kind of heavy i dont water, if it is lighter than it should i water, you also have to check on the plants and spend time with them. we live and learn, with each grow we do we get better, do not let these little set backs get to you, most plant will do what they are supposed to do, some times we do something to mess that up, sometimes something happens that is out of our control, things will work out and you will have a great harvest when it does, so dont give up
occultgreen420commentedweek 135 years ago
potassium deficit...really something that you have to get rid of and adjust very fast! can lead to smaller yield. Review the watering technique, this is usually the 1st thing that lead to this type of deficit. When watering too less (quantity) and there is no run off on the bottom tray, then the ph inside the pot is getting more and more alkaline which pushes the roots to buildup salts on the small roots and this leads to the potassium deficit, because the plant's channels to absorb it are blocked. Most people will think it's nutrient burn and start pushing more nutrients in the plant, but in the same way, with no proper run off in the bottom tray and this will become a total chaos; give slow 1L-1.5L of water with good nutrients every 2nd day (no need for ph down), let it drain well in the bottom tray and the excess throw it away... best of luck with the grow! it's early so you can corrected, no worries.
tapciganincommented5 years ago
@@occultgreen420, Thank you for the tips mate, always helpful :) What you're essentially suggesting is a flush....I'll give it a go and report back
occultgreen420commentedweek 25 years ago
diatomaceous earth (you can get it online), it's organic! just sprinkle it with your mix, sprinkle it above the soil. it prevents bugs, larvae, everything! stay away from pesticides dude! you are going to use the final product, pesticides are not a good option. Good luck!
tapciganincommented5 years ago
@@occultgreen420, thank you for taking the time for these detailed explanations, mate! 🙏 It's helping a lot! I found a seller here in my country that sells Diatomaceous earth for about 7 euros per 125g. I think I'll hit 'em up and try your methods :)
occultgreen420commented5 years ago
@tapciganin, you are most welcome, I had issues with gnats in the past and they are really a stress. If plant is well established, then gnats will not affect it, but if it's yet small, the larvae will eat from the new roots and plant will stay small. Diatomaceous earth are small very sharp particles so the gnats and larvae will be cut open and feed the soil. Takes a while until the pest it's fully gone, but it works. Diatomaceous earth has the texture of...icy sugar, very fine. Use a spoon and a strainer to sprinkle on the surface of the soil, then mix gently in the soil, then apply another sprinkle. All this preferable after you water. Have yellow traps prepared as well. Sometimes a small plastic bottle with some mix of water and vinegar will attract and drown the gnats and can be of extra help. Whatever you do, do not use pesticides. Final product will be most likely inhaled in your lungs by smoking it so has to be as clean and as organic as it can be! (imo) Best of luck.
tapciganincommented5 years ago
@@occultgreen420, Thanks for the comment, mate! This sounds promising, I will definitely look into it :) Thanks for the tip
occultgreen420commentedweek 165 years ago
did you leave any water while gone? this plants are highly hydrophilic. During flowering the water consumption will increase even more. So 7 days without water can kill a plant no probs. best of luck in the future!
DoDrugs420commented5 years ago
@tapciganin, i got mine under direct sun the full day at 40° somedays up to 44°, and its still prosucing buds of the size of the plant itself. I think something else went wrong, some plants take heat better but it may have been something else.
tapciganincommented5 years ago
@@occultgreen420, Yeah watering schedule didn't change, my brother had them watered every 2 days. It's just the heat got pretty unbearable I think. 35 degrees is tad too much haha :D I need to figure out better ways to control the heat.
occultgreen420commentedweek 15 years ago
Hi buddy! balcony grows are really cool! especially if you have all the conditions. This ones will be outdoors until the end? that means you'll harvest around September/October. 😆 Really cool projects ahead! What plans do you have for containers? You want to have more of a horizontal grow? Man...this ones can be as huge as you permit them to be, giving the proper conditions! Best of luck with them, it will be cool to watch. Also it is worth keeping them organic. Look up Air-pots, if you have the chance to get them, are incredible for soil growing!
occultgreen420commented5 years ago
@tapciganin, dude...unfortunately there is no way to induce flowering earlier. To induce flowering you need 12h light with 12 h dark periods. To move a monster back and forth from the balcony to the is not a solution even if you have it on wheels. Tough to depend every day at an exact hour to move back and forth a plant. I would leave it be and enjoy the company until Autumn, do lots of toppings, LST, manifolding etc, get to know the plant and enjoy it. For the next projects, if you want them shorter, then go for Ruderalis strains, the Autos. They will finish in ~110-120 days from germination, with no dependency on light schedule. The outdoor plants are a bit more stretchy and slightly slower then the indoor ones, but overall, much more sturdier and will become huge. Wait for it to develop at least 5-6 knots (it will take around 30+ days) then cut above the 4th node. Leave the 3rd and 4th node with their 2 branches each side and clear the rest. This should be your first topping and if you wait until this time, branches will be long enough to undertake a good LST without breaking the branches. For a horizontal grow you'll also need some sort of a screen as well. Airpots are brilliant, they will help produce more root mass and more flowers. All the best, will be watching the grow
tapciganincommented5 years ago
@@occultgreen420, Thanks for the comment mate! Yeah, I am still unsure how to handle the whole "trick them into flower before autumn" thing... I don't really have any easy way to provide them with 12 hours of darkness in order to start the flowering artificially. I could lock them in my bathroom every night for a period of time - no windows in there, pretty dark. However would it be enough just to trigger flowering there? Or would I need to keep them locked up every night until harvest? I don't really know the answers here, do you have any idea? 🤨 As for the pots, air pots are a brilliant idea! I have only read about them, but now I'm actually going to buy some from the local grow shop, thanks for the tip 😇 Finally I plan on bending the hell out of them. LST and Main-lining will be my main techniques. The goal here is definitely a more horizontal grow as you mentioned. 👉 It will be a great learning experience for sure, can't wait 🙌
deletethisaccountcommentedweek 115 years ago
ah damn a split, You had a big nub there so i'm surprised it spilt on you
tapciganincommented5 years ago
@@deletethisaccount, yeah no issues whatsoever before my cat pushed a drying rack on top of it 😅
Growingkittencommentedweek 85 years ago
Good luck with ur grow!😺
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