On day two under the lights, all seeds had sprouted. Left them alone until day 5 when I gave them a little natural spring water. Adjusted down from 7.8 ph to 6.5. Also on day 5, I decided to turn off my quantum boards due to the high levels of red spectrum and switched to a smaller 150w Ecru led with more blue spectrum. I adjusted light down from 40in to 18in. Plants have adjusted well to light change. Looking ahead to this week 2, the plants will get no water again until day 10. On day 14, I will transplant all plants to 5 gallon fabric pots in a mixed soil. Also gonna be looking to get a humidifier this coming week to try to raise that humidity up to 60-70%. Come back next week as I update on our week 2 progress and look ahead to week 3.