CRAZY NIGHT (continued)
NX goes out to meet them at the front. Stephanie 1 is mad and Stephanie 2 is just wasted. NX convinces 1 to take 2 back to the hotel and rest up, we will be home soon (lie). NX is digging frontdeskgirl and is planning a night at her place. If all goes well, the Stephanies go to sleep, the boys and I hit the casino, NX goes for a sleep over, then we can all meet up at 5am, NX could slip into his hotel room bed, and no one would be the wiser. Good plan, but didnt go that way....
Flowering day 11 at the time of photos. All these FFT's are looking amazing and healthy. The stretch is really coming along, hoping its not too much more. FFT & is an absolute unit. One of the biggest and fastest growth in the garden, and thats put up against dome premium genetics. I think Fastbuds may have hit it out of the park with this one, based on my results, and from what others are saying about it after harvest.
Feeding at 1800EC every 3 days or so, full soak hand water. Room is clear of pests, and aside from the odd twisted leaf, cant say I have seen any deficiencies.
Thanks for looking
I feel somewhat validated as I am guessing this was backfilled after the fact.
.... I’m quite speechless and still processing. 🐒
I’ll share that before I backread to get the plot, a copy and paste Google paste led me to believe it was a Badly Explained Movie Plot, I was thinking Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas.