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FFT 7 Test

5 years ago
Week 1. Vegetation
5 years ago
2.54 cm
20 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
200 PPM
40 %
21 °C
23 °C
24 °C
11 L
1 L
60.96 cm
400 PPM
CRAZY NIGHT: We were in Montreal around 2006/7 to promote an entrepreneurial business set up by my brother. The business centred around fightgear and fighter promotion in the mixed martial arts industry. My Brother (NX), myself, Stephanie 1 and Stephanie 2 (real names) and some big name fighters were in town to hang out with some clients, bring the fighters to a few venues to meet fans, run some demo classes, and sell some shirts. These two girls are bombshells, and apparently NX has a sexy night planned with the both of em. The Stephanies are all over eachother all day long, playing the role of stupid bimbo to a tee. While these girls are day drinking, we are trying to get everyone settled into hotel rooms, give enough time to meet clients for dinner, and then we would head out to the bars in Montreal where we had booked appearances. A typical weekend promo, nothing should go wrong.... (continued next week) THE DIARY STUFF: Well, Fastbuds, they never called me fastgrower!! You sent me these seeds MONTHS ago, and waited on my grow season to start. Much appreciated, and in turn, I will grow your little ladies with the utmost care and respect they deserve. Lets see the full potential of these fast finishers, cant wait for you to tell me whats in em! All seeds popped within 48 hours of germination in paper towel method. So far, off to a good start!
Week 2. Vegetation
5 years ago
2.54 cm
20 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
200 PPM
40 %
25 °C
25 °C
23 °C
11 L
1 L
60.96 cm
400 PPM
CRAZY NIGHT: (continued from previous week) After taking a wine and bubble bath, the two Stehpanies are drunkenly getting ready for dinner, while my brother and I, following the bubble show, are getting our shit ready for a busy night. Forgot to mention NX is dating Stephanie 1, but doesnt care that much for her. The hotel room is a disaster as two thots try to outdo eachother with who brought more clothes for a 2 night stay, and who can throw them all over the room the quickest. Bathroom has no counterspace left, and these b*tches are gonna make us late. We get to the dinner, a high end "supper club" (totally pretentious) to meet a very well known former champ fighter and his then fiance for dinner. The Stephanies are blowing lines off eachothers tits in the back of the minivan cab for the driver to see. I will say right here that BudXs has always and always will say no to nose stuff. So these two are ripped walking in. Well, they fit right in with Fighter1 and fiance. Both of those two were looped out of their mind on what I found out later was much more sinister powder than cocaine. Who knew??? So we kept it light on the wines, watched as Fighter1 sipped waters, rocked back and forth, and made twitchy head movements. So we did our thing, and we had to go pick up Fighter2 and Fighter3. But the Stephanies were out of control by now and it was only 8pm. They had to go. And so my brother booted em, just like that. Told em to find their way around the city, have fun and we would all meet back at the hotel. I thought it weird at the time, and my brother played it off as they were hurting the brand image, but little did I know, NX had an alternative plan. Ya see, he was heading back to the hotel, because the front desk clerk had winked at him, and he said he just knew he was gonna fuck her that night... THE DIARY STUFF: Fast Finishing Tester was transplanted to 3 gallon soilless mix and fed a low dosage nutrient solution. Happy in its new home, ready to show the world what it is made of. Dig the sticker? Cheers to Heather @ Fastbuds
Week 3. Vegetation
5 years ago
7.62 cm
20 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
350 PPM
40 %
25 °C
25 °C
23 °C
11 L
1 L
60.96 cm
400 PPM
CRAZY NIGHT: (continued from previous week) So NX works his charm at the front desk, dropped the girls to make plans, and told the front desk girl he would have her picked up after her shift and brought to whatever venue we were at. Stephanies were livid, but thems the breaks. We go to our next event, a college type bar and have two Californian fighters. Both big names, but not even recognized by the crowd at first even though Fighter 2 was in town to fight the hometown hero in the main event. Sitting in the booth and some local gym rats decide to take up next to our booth, seemingly have identified one of the fighters. Well isnt it time to get in our Fighters faces, one night before Fighter 2's title shot. Security quickly protects our booth and pulls the gym rats away. Bouncers and gym rats and steroids and drinks do not mix. Inflated biceps are being thrown all over in a flash and the scuffle spills onto the street. This gets the attention of some nearby bikers who recognize the gym rats as their own brethren... (continued next week) THE DIARY STUFF: Healthy and happy. Veg days continue, no bugs, good color, good environment. These testers are gonna take off in the next few weeks. Looking forward to see what Fastbuds has in store for us. @FastBuds release the strain names, we are all dying to know whats in these!!! And thank you once again to Heather and the Fastbuds team for allowing me to test your genetics. Where do I send the harvest?
Week 4. Vegetation
5 years ago
2.54 cm
20 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
200 PPM
40 %
11 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 2
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 1.25 mll
NovaMax Grow - Terra Aquatica
NovaMax Grow 2 mll
CRAZY NIGHT: (continued from previous week) Bikers come over with metal bars in hand. Looked like they had them at the ready for just these instances, as the bars were all about 14", an inch in diameter, and solid. They made quite the thud when they were rapped against the head of the King Hippo looking bouncer. The crowd was suddenly in a frenzt and what looked to be about 20 people were actively fighting. The fight looked like a swarm as it travelled over cars, into storefronts, through panes of glass, etc. A truly wild spectacle, and Im sure a lot of injuries, but we had to bounce. The safety of ourselves and our clients were at stake, and this was fucked. We ran to an intersection, got all of us into a cab, and went back to the hotel for a chill sesh, as we had about an hour to kill before the next venue. We smoked with fighter3 as he was not set to fight the following night, and was there to be a cornerman. Fighter2, even though from Cali, had to decline cuz of testing. NX checks on front desk girl and she says shes off in an hour (through broken sign language and an english/french language barrier on both sides of the fence) Looks like the Stephanies have left for the night, no clue where they could be, no one cares at the moment.... (continued next week) THE DIARY STUFF: Growing well in relation to all other FFt's. Health is good, structure is symmetrical, and the plant is loving life. Will veg for another 3 to 4 weeks before the flip. Looking forward to whats in store, and looking forward to knowing the genetics that make up this fine specimen.
Used techniques
Week 5. Vegetation
5 years ago
2.54 cm
20 hrs
25 °C
200 PPM
40 %
25 °C
25 °C
23 °C
11 L
1 L
60.96 cm
400 PPM
Nutrients 2
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 1.25 mll
NovaMax Grow - Terra Aquatica
NovaMax Grow 2 mll
CRAZY NIGHT (continued) So we drop off fighter 2 and 3 as they have a big day ahead of em, the last thing they wanna be doin is promos. We go grab fighter 4, a well known brazilian who tells us to meet him at a restaurant. We show, hes not there. We ask around, restaurant manager says he went off into the alley. We find him 5 minutes later exiting said alley with a not too happy young lady in tow. Fighter 4 is doing up his zipper, wants to ditch the chick, and head to the strippers. Fair enough, off we go. If you havent experienced Montreals dancwrs establishments, you will be hard pressed to find actual dancers. What they do with their mouths is not dancer behaviour. We send fighter 4 to the back room, where the girls twist his arm to go to the back back room. We are anxiously waiting his return to our table, as we know this can get expensive, and fighter 4 knows hes not paying. We finally get him out after some lleading with the bar manager and we are handed a $2600 bill. Not actually $2600, because they charge a 30% fee to use a card payment. Sex sells. We leave our bar tab card at the bar, tell the staff we are going to get cash, and leave to immediately report the credit card stolen. We whisk drunken fighter4 into a cab and he is primed to party. We head to our next venue, another bar, a bit higher class, with a nice vip section. NX gets a call from the hotel front desk girl saying shes ready to be picked up. I get a call from Stephanie 2 asking where the fuck we are..... (continued next week) DIARY STUFF This girl is a stretcher! Moreso than the other FFT's shes growing alongside, the growth on this plant in early veg is truly amazing. With that comes long, gappy internode spacing, so I hope she fills out noce. I see a lot of bondage inthis dirty little girls future... Feeding at 1.1 ec, veg nutes, cal mag. PH steady at 5.8 during hand waters every 3 days or so. Defoliation and LST used to manage her Follow my son Budxless on his first GrowDiaries journey
Used techniques
Week 6. Vegetation
5 years ago
22.86 cm
20 hrs
25 °C
400 PPM
50 %
25 °C
25 °C
23 °C
11 L
1 L
55.88 cm
400 PPM
CRAZY NIGHT (continued) "How the fuck could you leave us in a city weve never been to and cant speak the fucking language?" Stephanie 2 was understandably upset and a bit tipsy. She wanted to fuck and made that clear on the phone by saying "I want to get fucked". So i told her to come back to the hotel, like a gentleman, and got NX and fighter4 on their way in a cab. She gets to the hotel sloppy as all hell and is lacking her Stephanie 1 counterpart. Perfect, lets do this and get to the bar. I go to the bathroom, come out and she is on the bed bottomless. Not topless, like a sane girls, bottomless, full top and jacket still on. Everything going to plan as i make my way towards her, and, juat as murphys law would dictate, theres a frantic knock at the door.... Stephanie 1, my bros girl. Shes not gonna be happy to see me bangin her girlfriend, and shes already a bit fiery from the drinks.... (continued next week) DIARY STUFF This is the last week of veg for the FFT's. This one is growing amazingly and is super healthy. Will be switching to 12/12 this week, probably in 2 or 3 days. I will defoliate quite a bit on day one of the flip and day 23.. Hoping this strain is a winner and excited to hear what Fastbuds names it. Thanks again to Fastbuds for the free beans!!!
Used techniques
Week 7. Flowering
5 years ago
40.64 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
1000 PPM
55 %
25 °C
25 °C
23 °C
11 L
1 L
45.72 cm
800 PPM
Nutrients 2
NovaMax Bloom - Terra Aquatica
NovaMax Bloom 1.25 mll
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 1 mll
CRAZY NIGHT (continued) " where the fuck is my boyfriend and where the fuck is my girlfriends pants? Fuck you for ditching us!" NX was gone, he was set to meet front desk girl at the bar we were booked at. Bro bible says that I do not relinquish this info to the girls. As Stephanie 2 is re-panting and Stephanie 1 is yelling at her, I make a quick escape out the hotel room door, and down to the ground to a cab. They dont have my new cell #, so Im in the clear, but I could imagine NX's cell was blowing up. I get to the bar and its full dance mode, club is thumping. I get a few drinks in me, chill at the private area for a bit, and everyone is having fun. Clients are entertained, frontdeskgirl is getting handsy with NX, and Im feeling good. I go out with the bar manager to smoke a joint. I hear a police siren.... manager and I look at eachother wide eyed and toss the joint. Turns out the cops werent lighting the cherries for us, rather for the two girls hitting patrons at the front of the line to get in. Those two girls.... the Stephanies. FUCK! how the hell did they find us? Turns out one of the girlfriends of one of the guys in our group told them. That bitch wasnt even in the same city as us, and that leaky dude got an earful later. These girls COULD NOT be allowed past the door, or shit would hit the fan when they saw NX in da club with frontdeskgirl. ... (continued next week) DIARY STUFF First week of flower for this healthy and happy FFT. Really looking forward to Fastbuds releasing the names of these strains, because they all grow very differently. I'm guessing at #8 being cheese, but it will be a complete surprise on all the others. This girl is sitting pretty and taking up her designated space perfectly. A heavy defoliation on F1 opened up some tops to the light. There has been a massive growback in just 3.5 days of flower, as well as a massive stretch. I have all the headroom in the world, so I will let these maximize. All healthy, no spots or bugs, so these are just booming. They will get a final heavy defoliation on F21, and then maintenance plucking to maximize cola exposure.
Week 8. Flowering
5 years ago
45.72 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
200 PPM
40 %
11 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 2
NovaMax Bloom - Terra Aquatica
NovaMax Bloom 1.25 mll
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 1 mll
CRAZY NIGHT (continued) NX goes out to meet them at the front. Stephanie 1 is mad and Stephanie 2 is just wasted. NX convinces 1 to take 2 back to the hotel and rest up, we will be home soon (lie). NX is digging frontdeskgirl and is planning a night at her place. If all goes well, the Stephanies go to sleep, the boys and I hit the casino, NX goes for a sleep over, then we can all meet up at 5am, NX could slip into his hotel room bed, and no one would be the wiser. Good plan, but didnt go that way.... DIARY STUFF Flowering day 11 at the time of photos. All these FFT's are looking amazing and healthy. The stretch is really coming along, hoping its not too much more. FFT & is an absolute unit. One of the biggest and fastest growth in the garden, and thats put up against dome premium genetics. I think Fastbuds may have hit it out of the park with this one, based on my results, and from what others are saying about it after harvest. Feeding at 1800EC every 3 days or so, full soak hand water. Room is clear of pests, and aside from the odd twisted leaf, cant say I have seen any deficiencies. Thanks for looking
Week 9. Flowering
5 years ago
45.72 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
200 PPM
40 %
11 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 2
NovaMax Bloom - Terra Aquatica
NovaMax Bloom 1.25 mll
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 1 mll
CRAZY NIGHT (continued) So it's 2 am, the girls as far as we know are headed back to the hotel, NX is heading back to frontdeskgirls house, and myself and 2 of the boys are about to hail a cab to head to the casino. Then we get a frantic call from this guy: Good ol Jon. If you were an early fan of the ufc, you may recognize this clown. Jon was in town with us and was set to do some training sessions the following day. im naming him cuz hes a goof and he knows it. Jon had "borrowed" the company car whilst we were doing our night promos. Jon said he was hungry and needed a snack - the snack he had a hankering for at around 9pm - psylocibin mushrooms. And he found em, and dosed em, and then crashed the car. But jon wasnt hurt, he was frantic about the accident, and the impending cops on the scene (no licence to begin with, outside of his country of residence, car was a loaner from a sponsor). The car wasnt totalled, and the other car that he hit was a lightpost, and he was going about 6 km/hr at the time by the looks of it, and he was in a Best Buy plaza. And, whoever gave him the mushrooms had the good intention of taking his keys, but not the wit to keep jon in place. You see jon had wanted so bad to get in that car that he pried the slightly ajar window out of its mooring, entered the vehicle, took the parking brake off, gear to neutral and coasted slolwy into the pole when he couldnt turn the steering wheel on account of not having keys. So we directed the cab straight to Best Buy (continued next week) DIARY STUFF Some massive stretch and some really bushy growth this week with all the FFT testers. Growth is healthy, waterings are every 3 days or so by hand and with 1900 Ec feed at 5.8ph. Almost ran out of headroom for the girls, but moved things around to accommodate. Days seem like years
Week 10. Flowering
5 years ago
45.72 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
200 PPM
40 %
11 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 2
NovaMax Bloom - Terra Aquatica
NovaMax Bloom 1.25 mll
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 1 mll
CRAY NIGHT (Continued) We get to the parking lot and find Jon to be pretty fucking high, and even worse, he has drawn a crowd of some onlookers. 2 people are talking to Jon, and jon is struggling to keep the appearance that he is still on this earth. He is tripping balls, he would tell us shortly after. A buddy gets him away from anyone who may recognize him or even worse, recognize the brand logo upon his chest and know hes a space cadet. A buddy puts jon in the cab while myself and another friend push the car the 8 feet back from which it rolled, cleaned up the massive amount of mustard and ketchup all over the seats (didnt have any food to account for the condiments, but if youve done mushrooms, you understand, so we didnt give him shit on that) and did the best we could to lock up the window and doors temporarily until we got the keys back. So in the cab, we ask the driver to wait so we could look through jons phone, find out who got him the zoomers, retrace his stupid steps and go get the keys. Well, it turns out jon didnt get the shrooms from anyone in his phone, he found them by talking to a dude on the street!! Old school! Also, the dude who sold him the shrooms was apparently tripping with him too and took off when he started attacking the window. No contact, no trace, just a guy in a city with a set of keys and a car ready for the taking. Fucking jon... so we head back to the hotel to get the spare while 2 buddies wait by the car. We are not in the car more than 2 minutes when jon pukes on himself and the cab, mustard and ketchup all over the place. Cabbie is pissed, Jon is a mess and we are 5 blocks from the hotel. Cabbie kicks us out, so we start to walk... (Continued next week) DIARY STUFF The fastbuds testers continue to impress. Even in soiless mix and handwatered 2 or 3 times weekly, these girls are flowering faster than the rest of the room in hempy buckets. Frost is starting on all of the plants and buds are filling up the branches. Starting to feed a bit of bloom booster with the regular feed. C02 was changed out today. All is healthy, really looking forward to harvest
Week 11. Flowering
5 years ago
45.72 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
200 PPM
40 %
11 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 2
NovaMax Bloom - Terra Aquatica
NovaMax Bloom 1.25 mll
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 1 mll
CRAZY NIGHT (continued) So we are walking the 5 blocks back to the hotel, Im trying to keep Jon straight, and he cant help but say some mushroomy giberish to almost everyone we pass on the street. We enter the hotel, board the elevator with some unlucky older couple, and get Jons hallucinating mustard, ketchup, and puke stained ass back to the hotel room where we find a BUNCH of half eaten room service in the hallway. We open the door to find Stephanie 1 asleep in bed, Stephanie 2 doing lines off the glas office table, and a room just messed to all shit. This was a perfect scenario to leave Jon, as I had wanted nothing to do with the lot of em. I grabbed the spare key and booked it once I saw everyone was safe in the hotel room. Still time to get the boys, hit the casino, meet NX for a late breaky, and then some sleep before the days promo events. DIARY STUFF These FFT's are living up to their fast finishing expectations. Far and away further developed than the rest of the room and fire bud by the looks of it. The crystal development really beefed up this week, the stickyness is just insane. High temps and humidity outside this week, so the room was working hard to maintain a nice environment. Bloom booster added last week and will continue through week 7 of flower and then a flush. These will be big yielders, and I will definitely grow again
1 comment
Week 12. Flowering
5 years ago
45.72 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
200 PPM
40 %
11 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 2
NovaMax Bloom - Terra Aquatica
NovaMax Bloom 1.25 mll
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 1 mll
CRAZY NIGHT (continued) I get a cab back to the boys, we take the company car to the casino where we can park it relatively safely under cctv camera. It has a non functioning and non closing window at this point, so thats the best place we could think of. We hit the sino, win a few bucks and kill a few hours. I lose one of the boys to a high class and expensive looking late night date (???) and he assures us he will see us at breakfast in 40 minutes (hahah). We walk out with our winnings to find our car is gone. Not only is the window non functioning, it is non existent. Well there goes fucking breakfast! We called to report the incident, and one of us had to stay to chat with the cop and the casino. I didnt have the time, so my remaining buddy gave the notes. No texts from NX, so I called him. at around 4:40am. Went right to voicemail, followed by a text: "Im stucK" ...(continued) DIARY STUFF These Fastbud fast finishers are incredible plants. Not even finished 6 weeks of flower and they are packing on some serious cola weight. So much bud to leaf ratio, and sticky as all hell. Added Beastie blooms to the flowering feed and they seem to be loving it. Heat has been a battle this week as it is the middle of july and humid. Running lights at half power and ac full HEATHER !!! SELL ME FFT5 and FFT7
1 comment
Week 13. Flowering
5 years ago
45.72 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
200 PPM
40 %
11 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 2
NovaMax Bloom - Terra Aquatica
NovaMax Bloom 1.25 mll
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 1 mll
CRAZY NIGHT (continued) Apparently NX was caught in a quintessential movie plot where the guy goes home with a girl to find out they live with their parents. He was stuck in a girls bedroom with the parents unaware of his presence and a few doors down from him. Frontdeskgirl was sleeping, I told NX to get dressed and out the fucking window asap. He gave me the address and I told the cab to get there... DIARY STUFF Heather came through! Hit me up with more to do Saw my last post and said "im sending more to you" This cultivar is bangin shes a winner, no complaining, she finish up before your fem photos begin they fadin' and others sit there waitin for the trim then more for blazin but 7 in your bong and down your throat and now ya sailin
1 comment
Week 14. Flowering
5 years ago
96.52 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
500 PPM
65 %
11 L
20.32 cm
Nutrients 2
NovaMax Bloom - Terra Aquatica
NovaMax Bloom 1.25 mll
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 1 mll
CRAZY NIGHT (continued) We get to the corner store down the street to find NX shoeless and smirking. I fill him in on the disaster that has unfolded and we laugh. WE do not want to go back to the shitshow at the hotel, so we text our sloppy horny buddy and have him meet us at Hochelagas finest (and I hope only) topless breakfast restaurant. Opens at 5am daily in a blue collar neighborhood, and the waitresses are all topless. No they are not pretty, they serve greasy breakfast topless for minimum wage + tips . I have the fried eggs. The whole existence of the place is a wonder to behold. NX gets a call from frontdeskgirl. Why does she have his number? Oh yes, she looked it up before her shift ended. Perfect..... DIARY STUFF FastBuds testers continue to impress and bulk on the weight. All plants needed to be staked due to the weight of the buds and the height of the plants. Beautiful cultivars thus far, and really looking forward to testing the fruits. Dropped fed down to minimal and will be flushing at next watering. These things look like they will tip the scales
Week 15. Flowering
5 years ago
96.52 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
750 PPM
65 %
26 °C
26 °C
24 °C
11 L
1 L
15.24 cm
1100 PPM
Nutrients 1
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 1 mll
CRAZY NIGHT (continued) So apparently frontdeskgirl is pissed that NX left and is saying shes coming back to the hotel (she knows which rooms he has booked) Im just trying to eat breakfast and watch naked waitresses serve the bacon, and now we gotta race back to the hotel whilst calming down frontdeskgirl. We settle up, leave generous tips, and cab back to home base. We arrive to find Jon and Stephanie 2 missing, Stephanie 1 still passed out. The other 2 werent missing long, we found them fucking in the nearby stairwell. Under a security camera, so that was nice. They didnt have a key to get back in the room once they had left to smoke a joint, so they just fucked in the hallway. Got em in the room, and it wasnt 5 minutes before a knock at the door : "security!" Never good at 6am in a hotel room DIARY STUFF Coming in strong this week, these fast finishing photos are on the final stretch. Various percentages of amber coning out daily, waiting till about 30% Nutes are eliminated, running straight ph'd water and the fall colors are coming about. Looking forward to a chop very soon, and the harvest reports to follow.
1 comment
Week 16. Flowering
5 years ago
96.52 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
750 PPM
65 %
26 °C
26 °C
24 °C
11 L
1 L
15.24 cm
1100 PPM
Nutrients 1
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 1 mll
CRAZY NIGHT (Continued) Security entered the room, took one look, and promptly asked us to leave, Not even a warning, wtf??? So we gathered our stuff, got everyone out, and we were on the streets of Montreal with no hotel booked for the night, and a mess of a group of people in tow. Stephanie 1 was still groggy from waking up, Stephanie 2 and Jon looked like shit from the partying and hallway fucking, NX was trying to make up for ditching Steph1, and my buddy and I are just about to go smoke a joint when who should come tearing around the corner? Frontdeskgirl, and shes fucking livid... DIARY STUFF This beast of a plant continues to harden and ripen. The fall colors of the lime green contrast nicely with the purple hazing of the flower. The colas are second to none in terms of girth and I expect this plant to be a monster yielder. Trichs say that chop is somewhere in week 9, so we will see. Thanks for looking
Week 17. Flowering
5 years ago
96.52 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
750 PPM
65 %
26 °C
26 °C
24 °C
11 L
1 L
15.24 cm
300 PPM
CRAZY NIGHT (Continued) And not only is Frontdesk girl steaming mad that NX hit it and quit it (apparently she was looking to make him breakfast and then introduce himn to the family!!!), she brought along her rather large brother! Frontdeskgirl sees the Stephanies, they see her, large brother see NX's eyes and everyone puts 2 and 2 together. Stphanie 1 was the first to smack NX accross the face, followed by S2 with a kick to the shin, more from S1, S2 with the assist, NX starts hobbling away. But no! Now Frontdesk girl has made it to the group and shes swinging at EVERYONE!!!! Luckily myself and the others in our group were safely out of arms reach and were able to witness this spectacle alongside the curious morning Montreal onlookers. The stephas start fighting back with FDG, and the brother starts to chase my brother!!! Now in most situations, my brother would get backup, bit there was just too muych going on to watch, the big dude obviously had a bum knee, and my bro had a head start and an athletic build. So, there we were, bags dumped outside the hotel, a classy fight on the sidewalk in front of us, my brother running away into the sunrise, and a whole day of events planned. I picked up my shit, my bros shit, my buddies did the same, and we noped the fuck out of there., leaving the girls to figure that shit out themselves. Never saw the Stephanies again. To this day they could still be in Montreal, who knows. My bro is still alive, and I will never know what happened to Frontdeskgirl. DIARY STUFF CHOPPED IT!!! Its huge, it stinks, and I cant wait to show you the harvest and cure photos. Im a big fan of this strain, and I hope it makes it to the FB roster!!!! Thank you Heather and the Fastbuds team for allowing me to grow and profile this wonderful genetic
Week 17. Harvest
5 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Gimme more stars! There is not a rating high enough to express my excitement for this strain. BEen wainting over a year to hear its name, but it remains one that shall be unspoken....for now..... HEATHER!!!!! Tell us all what is in side this magnificent beast. From week 5 of veg ir was clear that this is a special cultivar. Show me a better plant all around performer, show me!!!! Ya cant. This girl has it all, the looks, the legs, the curves, the scent.... my god I do believe I am in love. BUSTS OUT!!! Colas that collapse under their own weight. Ya need boxes, not bags!!! Look at the harvest pile, cured up, ready to go. Thats 7+oz right there out of a 3 gallon handwatered soiless. Put this in the hands of a proper hydro grower, and its busting out the ceiling everytime! Alarge part of my next grow is dedicated to the extra 10 beans FB sent to me a few weeks ago. Cheers once again to the FB team, you guys just killed it on this one!!!
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Spent 120 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
819.87 g
Bud wet weight per plant
204.97 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Euphoric, Giggly, Happy
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry mouth
Negative effects
Cheese, Diesel, Earthy

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Impressed since day 23. This is a clear cut winner in my book and will be making many return trips to the Scroggernaut. Held its shit together when times got tough, showed valiance when others showed weakness. Heat resistant and loves to eat. Fades early and some of the biggest fkn colas on the planet. Will grow this in coco and multiple fertigations next round to really bring out it potential. Thanks for watching, I posted quite a bit of vids to insta on this cultivar, as Im in love and I want the world to see it.


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GreenHouseLabcommentedweek 175 years ago
Well done!!! Monster yield!! Your lucky didn’t get any terps out of this pheno but is a great high
FoTwennycommentedweek 175 years ago
Looks delicious!!! Enjoy!
BeanswithPorkcommentedweek 165 years ago
I will never ever allow you to trick me to accompany you on a night on the town.
BeanswithPorkcommentedweek 165 years ago
I feel somewhat validated as I am guessing this was backfilled after the fact. .... I’m quite speechless and still processing. 🐒 I’ll share that before I backread to get the plot, a copy and paste Google paste led me to believe it was a Badly Explained Movie Plot, I was thinking Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas.
BudXscommented5 years ago
@@BeanswithPork, it was always just a qeek behind
EXZELENScommentedweek 174 years ago
What a monster! Nice grow mate, keep it up! Peace.
Njannecommentedweek 165 years ago
LOL. That's all.
Med_in_Tropiccommentedweek 175 years ago
Bravo - awesome yield!
Lowkey_Doccommentedweek 175 years ago
Great work here 👍🏽 Nice content keep up the work! Happy cultivating
BloodSweatBeerscommentedweek 155 years ago
Inganjawetrustcommentedweek 135 years ago
Beautiful colas 👏
BeanswithPorkcommentedweek 125 years ago
I got a single seed of each left, tradesies??? Even more FastBuds. FFT1, FFT2 please.
BeanswithPorkcommentedweek 115 years ago
Pic 4 😍
the end.
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