Hi guys here we are with another weekly update!
Soooooo, Its all coming to an end over here, i got like 7/8 lplants eft to cut, but 4 of them are really small ones, even though they have nice fatty hardrock buds! 2 plants ( or more) went straight to the trim bag and in the freezer for some bubblehash Id like to do.
The two Amnesia are growing nicely up, I might try to clone some low branches, lets see if I get time to do so...
And last but not least my freind I found a broken brunch on of of the ladies, and it was completely dry, gave it smoke and it wasnt possible, probably it never flushed away all the nuts and it was crazy bitter. So I decided to extract with some Ethanol 96% and thats the result! Quite sticky, impossible to manage, strong terpene smell, I did not smoke it yet, but I will tonight, dont worry guys, not gonna go to waste!
se you all soon!
Hi guys, if I top my Amnesia, I mean, literally top them, Like straight cut at the 4th node, maybe? and leave the other 3/4 node above.. May I clone that topped bit? If so, since It should be growing like a normal plant as should be sprouting from the top, may I mainline that?
I love Critical strains, even though I didn't know Apex seeds and the plant stayed small, the look is great! Good luck with the bubblehash, I hope you will post some photos!
Hi green peace, thank for stopping by, hope you are well!
Yeah all of them stayed quite compact lets, say, gonna give another chanche now, with some fresh compost let's how is it going to turn.
About the bubblehash if you go on the Balconing - Amnsesia and co. diary you can see the end product 😬