Kinda regret not putting up a second scrog net. Knew they were going to fall over. Lol Alas, here we are. Other then that minor issues they seem to be chugging along. Slightly upped the PPM and started adding more of the part 2 this week, probably should have started earlier in flower. But I wanted to see what a 1:1 mix worked out like. It was alright but I think there will be better luck with a more flower based N-P-K
Like mainline think cool looking when done right but not impressed by the yield. Check out my girl 👧 candy when you get chance. Mainline ish/ LST ish, was extremely easy harvest
@ChefDan420, that was a nice looking plant. I do agree with you about mainlining. I like the concept, but it seems a bit much when its not that hard to make a decent tabletop.