So... here we are again! I screwed things a little bit with my past two growing experiences, one of which was a danish version of the Northern Light Auto, the Nordlys. My first mistake was to start the crop very early into spring for an auto, out of boredom during the coronavirus quarantine and some over excitement due to the fact that growing my own weed was becoming real! I also made some watering mistakes, that stressed the plants to grow less and to have some Ca/Mg blocking. Also, it made the roots not to develop to the maximum size of the pot -I think-.
My father decided to plant his own weed too. But, as a father, he just went for the CBD weed 😂. With the seeds he bought, some presents from Royal Queen Seeds arrived. One of them was this seed. If you ever get to read this, thank you very much guys!!
Now I have an opportunity to redeem myself with this strain, and apply my recently learned tips and tricks to outyield my first try with Northern Light Auto. That first crop is in week 6 now, so writing its diary will help make notes about any other possible mistakes.
Why do I expect this one to go better? Well, I have more hours of light a day, more sunny days ahead, a good seed from a really reliable seedbank and a huge 25 litre pot. On top of that, I will LST this plant with the traditional tie to the border of the pot, so that there is an extra boost for maximizing my yield.
First of all, I want to make clear that this diary will have very brief entrances in the basics-related stuff. My approach will be exactly the same as in my 'mistery autos' diaries, so I will just work based on that and sum it up here. When I do more complicated stuff I will dive into the explanations.
So this week I just germinated the seed in a tupper with a napkin, and after 3 days or so it was ready to plant. I prepared the pot with a layer of rocks in the bottom and then mixed the soil with perlite and arlite, making sure the soil will be airy enough in the future. I watered the soil until it was completely wet, put the seed in and it popped out to the surface 3 days later. Right now I am using the greenhouse I had done for the previous grow. All day every day.