Maybe it doesn't look that bad in the pictures, but as I came back... I had to take off alot of fan leafs that had died off...
I suppose the plant ran out of water while I was gone..
I then checked the mediums pH to see if it was right, and it simply wasn't.
the mediums pH was over 7 even if I always made sure the water's pH was between 5.5-6.5.
So what I did is I watered them with a water of a little bit above 3. this seemed to work out well, but just a few days after this, the mediums pH was again above 7.
So I adjust the reservoirs water pH at 5.5 and I'm now waiting to see what changes this will bring.
I put on a picture of a damaged leaf. If anyone recognise the issue I have if it isn't linked to a wrong pH at the root, I'm taking any advices!!!
Until then, keep te peace and preach the love!
She did, this was before I arrived. (One week ago) i'll share you an update soon.
I'm pretty happy with their size and shape. They're not struggling anymore 💪✌️
Good job, congrats. Now that you know there were thrips you can treat those clones and move forward without pests into flower 👌
I use lady bugs or DE because I am organic, either way good luck!
thx! yep, that's the plan!
what i did till now is i used a home made pesticide with clay, "black soap" and pepermint essential oil. I can detail the recepie if it interests someone! I sprayed this during two weeks for now, but there still are quite some thripes. But...!!! the new leafs don't have alot of white dots so a good signe for now.
i also catched one lady bug but... i guess this will never be enough haha. I also planted a few pepermint plants as companion plants.
i cross everything that's crossable on my body for now ;)
thx for the comment! peace out to all of you!😘